2017 Polson Ranch Invitational: Everything It Was Expected To Be

JV Races: Meet Cassidy Hickey

We've been wondering for a bit where Cassidy Hickey ended up and when she would show up in a race. Evidently, the answers to those questions are Chaparral High School and today. 

Hickey blistered the field in 19:35 for the JV race title. It was a wire-to-wire affair with no help asked or needed from the field. That time would have had her close to the top ten for the varsity race just on a straight merge. You could make the argument that conditions were more favorable for the varsity race.

The JV boys race was less noticeable for a standout individual but far more noticeable for a standout team. At points, the JV boys race looked a lot like a Palmer Ridge team time trial. Eventually, a few enterprising souls were able to break up the Bear party, but it was still a Palmer Ridge-dominated event.

Taking the JV boys title in 17:52 was PR sophomore Colby Larsen.