Meet Information
Falcon Invitational
Meet Director: Andrew Risheg 702-2927492
Meet Timing: NTS Timing (John Dixon)
When: March 26th, Team check in at 7:30, Coaches Meeting at 7:50, Events Begin at 8:00
Where: Foothill HS 800 College Dr Henderson, NV 89002
Entries: Max 4 per event per school. Due By 3/23/2022 @ 6PM
Cost: $10.00 per athlete max $200 per gender and $400 per school
Events: Standard events will be run in the standard order. Open heights are as follows;
Mens HJ: 5
Womens HJ 4:
Mens PV: 8
Womens PV 6
Admission: $5 for adults, children under 10 and seniors are free. Spectators will sit on the home side.
Team Camps: Teams can use the visitor side bleachers for camp or the soccer field adjacent to the stadium.
Implements: Weigh-in will be in the track shack attached to the home side concession stand.
Awards: Custom Medals to the top 3 finishers in each event and Trophies for the top 2 teams in each gender.