Skyhawk Invitational 2023

Las Vegas, NV

Meet Information

Skyhawk Invitational

Saturday, April 14th -15th, 2023

SITE:Silverado High School Stadium

1650 Silver Hawk Avenue

VegasValli Taqueria

Las Vegas, NV 89123

Phone: (702) 799-5790 Cell (702) 578-4637



TIMING:John Dixon (FAT) Results will be automatically posted on NTS-Timing


FACILITY:All-weather track, 3/16 Needles/Pyramids- No Pegs or Christmas Tree spikes

FAT Timing at finish line (John Dixon)

All races and field events will be live streamed and live results

Hot and Cold concession stand

Athletic Trainer (please bring your own tape) 

ORDER OF EVENTS:          Varsity B will go first, followed by Varsity A.  Some field events will combine Vasity A and B in order to save time.


3:30 p.m. - Field Events First call 3:00

Girls High Jump  Varsity A and B together 

Girls Long Jump 

Boys Triple Jump

Boys Pole Vault  Varsity A and B together 

Boys Shot

Girls Discus

3:30 p.m. - Running Events First call 3:00

 Boys3,200 meter Relay (4 x 800)

Girls 3,200 meter Relay (4 x 800)

Boys 110 meter Hurdles

Girls 100 meter Hurdles

Boys 100 meters

Girls 100 meters

Boys 800 meter Relay (4 x 200)

Girls 800 meter Relay (4 x 200)

Boys 1,600 meters

Girls 1,600 meters

Boys 400 meter Relay (4 x 100)

Girls 400 meter Relay (4 x 100)


8:30 a.m. - Field Events First call 8:00

Boys High Jump   Varsity A and B together 

Boys Long Jump 

Girls Triple Jump

Girls Pole Vault   Varsity A and B together 

Girls Shot

Boys Discus

8:30 a.m. - Running Events First call 8:00

Boys 3,200 meters

Girls 3,200 meters

Boys 400 meters

Girls 400 meters

Boys 300 meter Hurdles

Girls 300 meter Hurdles

Boys 800 meters

Girls 800 meters

Boys 200 meters

Girls 200 meters

Coaches Relay (4 x 100) must be a coach for one of the teams entered in the meet.  First 8 teams to sign up on the day of the meet.  The winning team gets a gift basket.

Throwers Relay (4 x 100) must have 2 guys and 2 girls and must be participating in the meet.  The winning team gets Pizza.

Boys 1,600-meter Relay (4 x 400)

Girls 1,600-meter Relay (4 x 400)

SCORING:8 places Varsity A only10 - 8 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1  Varsity A only scores

AWARDS: Custom Medals- Top three places Varsity A only

MOA Trophies(Varsity) Male and Female Most Outstanding Athlete

SPECTATORS ADMISSION:$5.00 for adults (18+) per day 

$3.00 for students (with ID), children and seniors

wristbands will be put on for re-entry purposes.


                                                      Entry Fees payable to Silverado High School Cash or School Check

Each team will be given a packet with wristbands for their team and coaches.  Entry will not be allowed without a wristband.


Entry limited to 3 athletes per event and 1 relay team per event


Entry is limited to 2 athletes per event no relays

No additions/Substitutions on the day of meet.  Scratch/add may be subject to a $3.00 per.

Athletes are limited to a maximum of 4 events (including relays) 

Athletes may compete in both Varsity A and B but are still limited to 4 total events.

$500.00 per school (Varsity A/B boys and girls teams combined)

  • $250.00 per Varsity team if boys only or girls only

$15.00 per Varsity athlete up to $500.00 team cap

$50 Fee for a no-show team

$50 Late fee for not paying by the day of the meet