Desert Oasis Weekday #1 2022

Las Vegas, NV

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 95 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Joshua Coral Academy of Science
Strickland, William Coronado High School
Zarvian, Zachary Desert Oasis High School
Hutchings, Bradley Liberty High School
Hofman, Austin Coronado High School
Alexander, Robert Desert Oasis High School
Lopez, Tristan Desert Oasis High School
Driskell, Alexander Liberty High School
Salour, Dante Coronado High School
Carodine, Randy Liberty High School
Arnold, Colbe Green Valley Christian
Armani, Brody Liberty High School
Cruzado, Michael Ryan Desert Oasis High School
Hilliard, Ethan Liberty High School
Elliot, Kaleb Coral Academy of Science
Goodhue, Landon Boulder City High School
Hunt, Matthew Coronado High School
Lopez III, Francis Desert Oasis High School
Joseph, Taevion Desert Oasis High School
Criss, Giovanni Liberty High School
Consul, Azure Coronado High School
Allen, Carson Desert Oasis High School
Fuller, Neaven Coral Academy of Science
Chavez, David Desert Oasis High School
Martinez, Xavier Desert Oasis High School
Avila, Chance Coronado High School
Smith, Tyrese Liberty High School
Moore, Curns Green Valley Christian
Lomax, Braylin Liberty High School
Davidson, Tyler Desert Oasis High School
Gregorio, Colin Liberty High School
Scow, Garrett Coronado High School
Moore, Maverick Desert Oasis High School
Lara, Noah Desert Oasis High School
Buchanan, Ezelle Liberty High School
Covington, Kaeden Coronado High School
Allen, Roenen Desert Oasis High School
Jones, Kendall Liberty High School
Quintana, Elijah Coral Academy of Science
Kang, Noah Desert Oasis High School
Ross, Ethan Desert Oasis High School
Whitted, Zion Coronado High School
Bisnar, Rich Liberty High School
Miller, Reed Green Valley Christian
Beasley, Jae Liberty High School
Fernandez, Karl Desert Oasis High School
Kohoutek, Logan Liberty High School
Grace-Madrigal, Jacob Boulder City High School
Aweke, Abel Desert Oasis High School
Lichty, Ethan Desert Oasis High School
Madrid, Noah Liberty High School
Dudley, Jordan Coronado High School
Escoto, Sebastian Green Valley Christian
Symons, Grayson Liberty High School
Balterocruz, Mel Desert Oasis High School
Raju, Aiden Liberty High School
Avila, Christopher 11.36 Coronado High School
Nelson, Christian 11.37 Green Valley Christian
Viray, Benjardi 11.56 Liberty High School
Pritchett, Leo 11.60 Desert Oasis High School
Fox, Blake 12.04 Green Valley Christian
Akalu, Ky'relle 12.14h Boulder City High School
McClain, Eric 12.19 Liberty High School
Broadbent, Joshua 12.31 Boulder City High School
Flasher, Isaiah 12.33 Desert Oasis High School
Doroshow, Isaac 12.34h Coral Academy of Science
Martinez-Taylor, Elijah 12.37 Liberty High School
Ford, Alexander 12.54h Desert Oasis High School
Ragonese, Cade 12.55 Liberty High School
Rivera, Vonn 12.57 Desert Oasis High School
Carnate, Zachary 12.64h Coral Academy of Science
Chavira, Hayden 12.64h Desert Oasis High School
Crowl, Robert 12.68 Boulder City High School
Danamidis, David 12.74h Coral Academy of Science
Tam, Jensen 12.82 Coral Academy of Science
Pusko, Lane 12.84 Boulder City High School
Strachan, Zachary 12.88 Boulder City High School
Drenk, Jack 12.89 Coronado High School
Schwartz, Dex 12.90 Desert Oasis High School
Jordan, Riley 12.94h Desert Oasis High School
Robinson, Joel 13.01 Coronado High School
McQueen, Preston 13.02 Coronado High School
DiMaio, Noah 13.06 Coronado High School
Chenier, Ethan 13.10 Liberty High School
Jorjorian, Ethan 13.20 Coronado High School
Chenier, Ben 13.54 Liberty High School
Abuasba, Omar 13.72 Coronado High School
Eno, Pierson 13.74h Coral Academy of Science
Lin, Jamie 13.84h Coral Academy of Science
Flores, Nicholas 13.97 Desert Oasis High School
Fears, Campell 14.17 Liberty High School
Ednacot, Angelo Ray 14.24 Desert Oasis High School
Souza, Kalani 14.24 Boulder City High School
Grace-Hadad, Gavin 14.90 Boulder City High School
Grace-Madrigal, James 15.49 Boulder City High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chavez, David Desert Oasis High School
Bryant, Jandell Desert Oasis High School
Worthy, Quadier Desert Oasis High School
Hayes, Jakhi Liberty High School
Lomax, Braylin Liberty High School
Clark, Ariel 16.29 Liberty High School
Bell, Landon 16.84 Liberty High School
Craig, Sean 17.56 Liberty High School
Jones, Emarion 19.75 Liberty High School
Lopez III, Francis 20.16 Desert Oasis High School
DiMaio, Noah 22.71 Coronado High School
Alvarado, Joshua 23.74 Desert Oasis High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Longoria, Kayleb Liberty High School
Sanchez, Diego Liberty High School
Harker, Zachary Boulder City High School
Southards, Samuel Liberty High School
Khan, Amir Coral Academy of Science
Oropeza, Ilan Coral Academy of Science
Kruger, Nicolas Green Valley Christian
Roy, Aaron 4:54.60 Coral Academy of Science
Vermillion, Kaden 5:02.79 Coronado High School
Mendoza, Brayden 5:08.40 Coral Academy of Science
Jones, Brayden 5:13.77 Boulder City High School
Turner, Terrance 5:14.05 Green Valley Christian
Dang, Dylan 5:21.32 Coral Academy of Science
Perrico, Carter 5:25 Coronado High School
Santiago, Zaid 5:35.00h Coronado High School
Kennedy, Frank 5:37.47 Coronado High School
Miller, Drew 5:38.03 Liberty High School
Hubbert, Riley 5:50.00h Desert Oasis High School
Cutshaw, Collin 5:57.05 Liberty High School
Diarchangel, Vito 6:00.15 Coral Academy of Science
Lamb, Cody 6:08.20 Liberty High School
Riccio, Anniello 6:13.39 Green Valley Christian
Hammond, Brendan 6:20.00h Desert Oasis High School
Cox, Jacob 7:04.86 Green Valley Christian
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 77 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elliot, Kaleb Coral Academy of Science
Miller, Reed Green Valley Christian
Hutchings, Bradley Liberty High School
Whettman, Jackson Coronado High School
Berkley, Peyton Desert Oasis High School
Lara, Noah Desert Oasis High School
Beltran, Robert Liberty High School
Green, Jaleel Liberty High School
Hunt, Matthew Coronado High School
Tam, Jensen Coral Academy of Science
Fuller, Neaven Coral Academy of Science
Jones, Maurice Desert Oasis High School
Kang, Noah Desert Oasis High School
Carodine, Randy Liberty High School
Campbell, Austin Liberty High School
Watkins, Deon Liberty High School
Avila, Chance Coronado High School
Pusko, Lane Boulder City High School
Eno, Pierson Coral Academy of Science
Chijibudum, Akarolo Desert Oasis High School
Armani, Brody Liberty High School
Robinson, Joel Coronado High School
Driskell, Alexander Liberty High School
Lund, Keith Coronado High School
Quintana, Elijah Coral Academy of Science
Arnold, Colbe Green Valley Christian
Joseph, Taevion Desert Oasis High School
Smith, Tyrese Liberty High School
Crowl, Robert Boulder City High School
Salour, Dante Coronado High School
Buchanan, Ezelle Liberty High School
Whitted, Zion Coronado High School
Cole, Marlon Desert Oasis High School
Strong, Falcon Desert Oasis High School
Lockhart, Jalen Liberty High School
Scow, Garrett Coronado High School
Thomas, Joshua Coral Academy of Science
Moore, Curns Green Valley Christian
Kathan, Parker Desert Oasis High School
Bisnar, Rich Liberty High School
Goodhue, Landon Boulder City High School
Symons, Grayson Liberty High School
Peterson, Joshua Coronado High School
Madrid, Noah Liberty High School
Strickland, William Coronado High School
Verzilli, Christian Coral Academy of Science
Corpus, Evan Desert Oasis High School
Jones, Kendall Liberty High School
Nelson, Christian 23.12 Green Valley Christian
Avila, Christopher 23.80 Coronado High School
Hayes, Jakhi 24.19 Liberty High School
Kendrick, Ronnie 25.06 Liberty High School
Mactagone, Stone 25.15 Coronado High School
Drenk, Jack 25.87 Coronado High School
McQueen, Preston 25.87 Coronado High School
Norman, Amare 26.04h Desert Oasis High School
Skjervheim, Nathan 26.19 Coronado High School
Chenier, Ethan 26.28 Liberty High School
Valencia, Evan 26.31 Boulder City High School
Jorjorian, Ethan 26.53 Coronado High School
Doroshow, Isaac 26.54h Coral Academy of Science
Kohoutek, Logan 26.73 Liberty High School
Jordan, Riley 27.02 Desert Oasis High School
Ford, Alexander 27.04h Desert Oasis High School
Danamidis, David 27.24h Coral Academy of Science
Chenier, Ben 27.39 Liberty High School
Mckissick, Robert 27.44h Desert Oasis High School
Lichty, Ethan 27.47 Desert Oasis High School
Strachan, Zachary 27.84h Boulder City High School
Carnate, Zachary 28.04h Coral Academy of Science
Davidson, Tyler 28.87 Desert Oasis High School
Lin, Jamie 28.94h Coral Academy of Science
Martinez-Taylor, Elijah 29.08 Liberty High School
Fears, Campell 29.16 Liberty High School
Souza, Kalani 30.34h Boulder City High School
Abuasba, Omar 30.83 Coronado High School
Grace-Hadad, Gavin 32.56 Boulder City High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Worthy, Quadier Desert Oasis High School
Craig, Sean Liberty High School
Thomas, Joshua Coral Academy of Science
Hayes, Jakhi Liberty High School
Chavez, David Desert Oasis High School
Jones, Emarion Liberty High School
Clark, Ariel 41.94 Liberty High School
Bell, Landon 45.40 Liberty High School
Odunze, Kelechi 45.58 Desert Oasis High School
Beltran, Robert 48.01 Liberty High School
Chen, Leo 48.47 Coronado High School
Lopez III, Francis 51.63 Desert Oasis High School
Garcia, Anthony 52.85 Liberty High School
Alvarado, Joshua 55.33 Desert Oasis High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Southards, Samuel Liberty High School
Kennedy, Frank Coronado High School
Longoria, Kayleb Liberty High School
Diarchangel, Vito Coral Academy of Science
Kruger, Nicolas Green Valley Christian
Higgins, William Coronado High School
Lee, Christian 10:18.25 Liberty High School
Vermillion, Kaden 10:57.46 Coronado High School
Roy, Aaron 11:47.80 Coral Academy of Science
Mendoza, Brayden 11:49.60 Coral Academy of Science
Miller, Drew 12:09.12 Liberty High School
Cutshaw, Collin 12:27.98 Liberty High School
Gruel, Scott 14:37.54 Green Valley Christian
Cox, Jacob 16:20.41 Green Valley Christian
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ross, Ethan Desert Oasis High School
Dunlap, Gregory Coral Academy of Science
Cole, Marlon Desert Oasis High School
Covington, Kaeden Coronado High School
James, Michael Desert Oasis High School
Erickson, Talen Coronado High School
Lopez III, Francis Desert Oasis High School
Verzilli, Christian Coral Academy of Science
Cruzado, Michael Ryan Desert Oasis High School
Grossman, Jake Coronado High School
Lara, Noah Desert Oasis High School
Parker, Jordan Coronado High School
Kunitake, Jeremiah Coronado High School
Pusko, Lane Boulder City High School
Corpus, Evan Desert Oasis High School
Quintana, Elijah Coral Academy of Science
Flores, Nicholas Desert Oasis High School
Whettman, Jackson Coronado High School
Aldrich, Preston Liberty High School
Lopez, Tristan Desert Oasis High School
Balterocruz, Mel Desert Oasis High School
Skjervheim, Ryan Coronado High School
Sagote, Silas Coronado High School
Reinhart, Kenneth Boulder City High School
Elliot, Kaleb Coral Academy of Science
Foster, Jobe Desert Oasis High School
Noriega, Emilio Coronado High School
Kuhn, Caleb Coronado High School
Driskell, Alexander Liberty High School
Fox, Blake 1:00.08 Green Valley Christian
Wynot, Graham 1:00.40 Coronado High School
Hofman, Austin 1:00.67 Coronado High School
Skjervheim, Nathan 1:01.99 Coronado High School
Chenier, Ben 1:02.29 Liberty High School
Kephart, Gavin 1:02.50 Coronado High School
Danamidis, David 1:02.64 Coral Academy of Science
Chenier, Ethan 1:03.66 Liberty High School
Bonomi, Paolo 1:04.45 Boulder City High School
Martin, Zachary 1:05.30 Boulder City High School
Symons, Grayson 1:05.90 Liberty High School
Allen, Roenen 1:07.71 Desert Oasis High School
Short, Ethan 1:22.40 Boulder City High School
Ashley-Solis, Joshua 54.08 Liberty High School
Ladao, Sebastian 54.20 Liberty High School
Hilliard, Ethan 55.92 Liberty High School
Grobl, Aiden 56.12 Desert Oasis High School
Gruel, Scott 58.09 Green Valley Christian
Doroshow, Isaac 58.34h Coral Academy of Science
Allen, Carson 58.36 Desert Oasis High School
Kendrick, Ronnie 58.66 Liberty High School
Kohoutek, Logan 59.01 Liberty High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team D Coronado High School
Relay Team A Coronado High School
Relay Team A Coral Academy of Science
Relay Team A Boulder City High School
Relay Team B Coronado High School
Relay Team C Coronado High School
Relay Team A Green Valley Christian
Relay Team D 44.78 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 44.78 Liberty High School
Relay Team E 44.78 Liberty High School
Relay Team B 44.78 Liberty High School
Relay Team C 44.78 Liberty High School
Relay Team B 49.34 Boulder City High School
Relay Team A 50.61 Desert Oasis High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Coral Academy of Science
Relay Team A Coronado High School
Relay Team B Coronado High School
Relay Team A Boulder City High School
Relay Team C Coronado High School
Relay Team B 1:42.72 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 1:42.72 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 1:44.71 Desert Oasis High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Green Valley Christian
Relay Team A Coronado High School
Relay Team A Coral Academy of Science
Relay Team B Coronado High School
Relay Team A Boulder City High School
Relay Team A 3:40.83 Liberty High School
Relay Team B 3:40.83 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 4:30.72 Desert Oasis High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Coronado High School
Relay Team A Boulder City High School
Relay Team A Liberty High School
Relay Team A Green Valley Christian
Relay Team A Desert Oasis High School
Relay Team A Coral Academy of Science
Relay Team A Coronado High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dang, Dylan Coral Academy of Science
Vasquez, Aidan Green Valley Christian
Terrill, Mason Boulder City High School
Ashley-Solis, Joshua Liberty High School
Khan, Amir Coral Academy of Science
Kruger, Nicolas Green Valley Christian
Ladao, Sebastian Liberty High School
Oropeza, Ilan Coral Academy of Science
Atencio, Anthony 2:20.79 Liberty High School
Turner, Terrance 2:22.39 Green Valley Christian
Evans, William 2:23.12 Coronado High School
Quinones, Daniel 2:23.57 Coronado High School
Wise, Gregory 2:26.91 Coronado High School
Webster, Adam 2:27.16 Desert Oasis High School
Hulett, Jayden 2:36.77 Desert Oasis High School
Chenier, Ben 2:36.89 Liberty High School
Mangum, Kenneth 2:37.71 Desert Oasis High School
Hubbert, Riley 2:38.90 Desert Oasis High School
Lopez, Guillermo 2:40.00h Desert Oasis High School
Riccio, Anniello 2:44.69 Green Valley Christian
bravo, Semaj 2:46.72 Desert Oasis High School
Diarchangel, Vito 2:49.39 Coral Academy of Science
Hammond, Brendan 2:50.00h Desert Oasis High School
Lopez, Nathan 2:50.33 Desert Oasis High School
Cox, Jacob 2:52.54 Green Valley Christian
Rice, Logan 2:55.0 Desert Oasis High School
Short, Ethan 3:56.22 Boulder City High School
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Boys Discus 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gates, Sawyer 122-2 Liberty High School
Childress, Noah 120-5 Liberty High School
Kapanui, Chad 105-1 Liberty High School
Beasley, Jae 92-8 Liberty High School
Grace-Madrigal, James 89-2 Boulder City High School
Sauvao, Wesley 85-0 Liberty High School
Riffel, Richard 84-0.5 Green Valley Christian
Casillas, Marcelo 81-6 Liberty High School
Grace-Madrigal, Jacob 75-11 Boulder City High School
Dunlap, Gregory 75-7 Coral Academy of Science
Davidson, CJ 72-10 Liberty High School
Riccio, Alessandro 63-3 Green Valley Christian
Tietjen, Hance 56-4 Boulder City High School
Barnes, Timothy 34-3.5 Boulder City High School
Forsythe, Austin Green Valley Christian
Garlick, Jack Green Valley Christian
Ramirez, Ulysses Green Valley Christian
Withey, Judah Green Valley Christian
Vasquez, Aidan Green Valley Christian
Miller, Joshua Boulder City High School
Decastro, Enrico Coral Academy of Science
Thomas, Hans Desert Oasis High School
Callorina, Derek Desert Oasis High School
Herrera, Sebastian Desert Oasis High School
Scroggins, Andrew Desert Oasis High School
Stott, Dylan Desert Oasis High School
Jacobs, Jaydin Desert Oasis High School
Cosgrove, Kieran Desert Oasis High School
Sanchez, Jorge Desert Oasis High School
Adler, Jonathon Coral Academy of Science
Ahmed, Haneef Coral Academy of Science
Maiava, Jacob Liberty High School
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Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrison, Jaylen 5-10 Coronado High School
Jones, Emarion 5-10 Liberty High School
Mactagone, Stone 5-8 Coronado High School
Clark, Ariel 5-8 Liberty High School
Kendrick, Ronnie 5-8 Liberty High School
Bell, Landon 5-8 Liberty High School
Chavira, Hayden 5-6 Desert Oasis High School
Bowman, Caleb 5-4 Desert Oasis High School
Grossman, Jake Coronado High School
Terrill, Mason Boulder City High School
Bass, Aiden Desert Oasis High School
Jones, Maurice Desert Oasis High School
Joseph, Taevion Desert Oasis High School
Paige, Taevion Desert Oasis High School
Zarvian, Zachary Desert Oasis High School
McClain, Eric Liberty High School
Gregorio, Colin Liberty High School
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Boys Long Jump 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hampton, Isiah 20-9.5 Liberty High School
Ceballos Gadzuric, Emiliano 19-4.5 Coronado High School
Ford, Alexander 17-6 Desert Oasis High School
Chavira, Hayden 17-4.5 Desert Oasis High School
Flasher, Isaiah 17-2.5 Desert Oasis High School
Akalu, Ky'relle 17-0 Boulder City High School
Norman, Amare 16-1.5 Desert Oasis High School
Strachan, Zachary 15-8.5 Boulder City High School
Valencia, Evan 15-6 Boulder City High School
Souza, Kalani 15-5 Boulder City High School
Crowl, Robert 14-6.5 Boulder City High School
Kan, Rylan 13-5.75 Liberty High School
Bonomi, Paolo 13-5.5 Boulder City High School
Carnate, Zachary 13-5.5 Coral Academy of Science
Riccio, Anniello 12-1.5 Green Valley Christian
Pusko, Lane 10-1 Boulder City High School
Harker, Zachary 9-5 Boulder City High School
Grace-Hadad, Gavin 9-3 Boulder City High School
Moore, Curns Green Valley Christian
Miller, Reed Green Valley Christian
Kruger, Nicolas Green Valley Christian
Dudley, Jordan Coronado High School
Gobbo, Thomas Coronado High School
Broadbent, Joshua Boulder City High School
Grace-Madrigal, Jacob Boulder City High School
Grace-Madrigal, James Boulder City High School
Reinhart, Kenneth Boulder City High School
Escoto, Sebastian Green Valley Christian
Berkley, Peyton Desert Oasis High School
Jones, Maurice Desert Oasis High School
Moore, Maverick Desert Oasis High School
Thomas, Kamerone Desert Oasis High School
Alexander, Robert Desert Oasis High School
Fuller, Neaven Coral Academy of Science
Quintana, Elijah Coral Academy of Science
Green, Jaleel Liberty High School
Carodine, Randy Liberty High School
Criss, Giovanni Liberty High School
Martinez-Taylor, Elijah Liberty High School
Ragonese, Cade Liberty High School
Javier, Aiden Liberty High School
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Boys Pole Vault 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schwartz, Dex 13-6 Desert Oasis High School
Erickson, Talen 10-0 Coronado High School
Hightower, Reid 9-6 Desert Oasis High School
Consul, Azure 9-6 Coronado High School
Alrick, Thomas 9-0 Liberty High School
Longoria, Kayleb 9-0 Liberty High School
Bowman, Caleb 8-6 Desert Oasis High School
Evans, William 8-0 Coronado High School
Do, Daniel 7-3 Coronado High School
Rodriguez-Gay, Liam Coronado High School
Bass, Aiden Desert Oasis High School
Bryant, Jandell Desert Oasis High School
Gallardo, Jaymer Desert Oasis High School
Grobl, Aiden Desert Oasis High School
Kroten, Noah Desert Oasis High School
Rumer, Royce Desert Oasis High School
Erickson, Caden Coronado High School
Sanchez, Diego Liberty High School
Southards, Samuel Liberty High School
Cutshaw, Collin Liberty High School
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Boys Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gebhardt, Joshua 42-3.5 Coronado High School
Kapanui, Chad 41-4.75 Liberty High School
Gates, Sawyer 37-7 Liberty High School
Childress, Noah 36-10 Liberty High School
Davidson, CJ 35-2 Liberty High School
Triplett-Edquilang, Elijah 32-10 Coronado High School
Grace-Madrigal, James 30-2 Boulder City High School
Sauvao, Wesley 28-11 Liberty High School
Riffel, Richard 28-6 Green Valley Christian
Casillas, Marcelo 27-8 Liberty High School
Dunlap, Gregory 27-1.25 Coral Academy of Science
Goodhue, Landon 26-8.25 Boulder City High School
Riccio, Alessandro 24-10 Green Valley Christian
Barnes, Timothy 21-4 Boulder City High School
Forsythe, Austin Green Valley Christian
Garlick, Jack Green Valley Christian
Ramirez, Ulysses Green Valley Christian
Withey, Judah Green Valley Christian
Vasquez, Aidan Green Valley Christian
Vangala, Tejash Coronado High School
Littman, Isaiah Coronado High School
Grace-Madrigal, Jacob Boulder City High School
Miller, Joshua Boulder City High School
Tietjen, Hance Boulder City High School
Decastro, Enrico Coral Academy of Science
Thomas, Hans Desert Oasis High School
Cosgrove, Kieran Desert Oasis High School
Callorina, Derek Desert Oasis High School
Herrera, Sebastian Desert Oasis High School
Sanchez, Jorge Desert Oasis High School
Scroggins, Andrew Desert Oasis High School
Stott, Dylan Desert Oasis High School
Jacobs, Jaydin Desert Oasis High School
Adler, Jonathon Coral Academy of Science
Ahmed, Haneef Coral Academy of Science
Travis, Michael Liberty High School
Maiava, Jacob Liberty High School
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Boys Triple Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrison, Jaylen 40-10 Coronado High School
Hampton, Isiah 40-10 Liberty High School
Ladao, Sebastian 37-9.25 Liberty High School
Clark, Ariel 36-6 Liberty High School
Bell, Landon 35-6 Liberty High School
Hilliard, Ethan 33-1 Liberty High School
Cox, Jacob 28-8 Green Valley Christian
Kan, Rylan 28-5.5 Liberty High School
Riffel, Richard 27-10 Green Valley Christian
Riccio, Alessandro Green Valley Christian
Ceballos Gadzuric, Emiliano Coronado High School
Harker, Zachary Boulder City High School
Terrill, Mason Boulder City High School
Escoto, Sebastian Green Valley Christian
Alexander, Robert Desert Oasis High School
Bass, Aiden Desert Oasis High School
Kang, Noah Desert Oasis High School
Zarvian, Zachary Desert Oasis High School
Thomas, Kamerone Desert Oasis High School
Strong, Falcon Desert Oasis High School
Joseph, Taevion Desert Oasis High School
Paige, Taevion Desert Oasis High School
Lomax, Braylin Liberty High School
Bisnar, Rich Liberty High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 79 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Isabelle Liberty High School
Madrid, Mikaela Coral Academy of Science
Bhakta, Hridi Coronado High School
Flasher, Kataryna Desert Oasis High School
McKinney, Athena Coronado High School
Jacinto-Kiyuna, Harlee Desert Oasis High School
Workman, Emily Green Valley Christian
Degregory, Alyssa Boulder City High School
Berry, Alexa Coronado High School
Mitchell, Trystin Liberty High School
Renneker, Brianna Desert Oasis High School
Boivin, Mikayla Desert Oasis High School
Porter, Cali Desert Oasis High School
Lourenco, Layla Boulder City High School
Sangprasit, Alana Coronado High School
Yurek, Brinlee Liberty High School
Wallace, Sienna Coral Academy of Science
joncich, Maci Coronado High School
waypa, , ashley Coronado High School
Lopez, Olivia Desert Oasis High School
Lamb, Ceaulei Green Valley Christian
Javierto, Julie Boulder City High School
Booker, Cerrina Boulder City High School
Howser, Mia Coronado High School
Davis, Taylor Liberty High School
Rich, , Riley Coronado High School
Hone, Ella Coronado High School
Duplisea, Gabriella Desert Oasis High School
Delespinasse, Kaylin Desert Oasis High School
Delacruz, Gabriella Coronado High School
Carter, Kayonna Liberty High School
Thamer, Svea Coral Academy of Science
Lauren Sales, Gianna Liberty High School
Sangprasit, Chloe Coronado High School
McCombs, Chloe Desert Oasis High School
Phillips, Ashlynn Boulder City High School
Farmer, Kaeli Coronado High School
Li, Katherine Coral Academy of Science
Fifita, Marley Coronado High School
Wilks, Sherinet Desert Oasis High School
Baird, Megan Coronado High School
Vena, Katie Green Valley Christian
Pollack, Shaylee Coronado High School
Davies, Evelyn Liberty High School
Gainsford, Izzy Coral Academy of Science
Montes, Eva Desert Oasis High School
Denson, Raezene Desert Oasis High School
Douglas, Ella Boulder City High School
Fernandez, Julianna Desert Oasis High School
Matavao, Ali'a 12.66 Liberty High School
Darensbourg, Lauren 12.87 Desert Oasis High School
Hofman, Maddie 13.32 Coronado High School
Payne, Ava 13.64h Boulder City High School
Garr,, Tia 13.76 Coronado High School
Davison, Wendy 13.94h Coral Academy of Science
Campion, Brooke 14.0 Desert Oasis High School
Middleton, Kayli 14.03 Coronado High School
Morrison, Sydney 14.10 Coronado High School
Kabo, Madeline 14.21 Coronado High School
Payne, Noelle 14.24 Boulder City High School
Calizo, Jossy 14.25 Liberty High School
Bogue Bieniemy, , Imani 14.33 Coronado High School
Padilla, Maria 14.36 Coronado High School
Hennessy, Jillian 14.47 Desert Oasis High School
Graham,, Alyssa 14.69 Coronado High School
Cheatham,, Charlize 14.81 Coronado High School
Olson, Hayleigh 14.84h Desert Oasis High School
Beal, Allie 14.94 Boulder City High School
Cilento, Miranda 15.04h Desert Oasis High School
Mixson, , Jade 15.13 Coronado High School
Diaz-Norman, Nina 15.20 Desert Oasis High School
Aldrich-Manteris, Isabella 15.40 Boulder City High School
Worley, Meg 15.44h Coral Academy of Science
Rangel, Raquel 15.58 Liberty High School
Carlisle, Kendra 15.66 Boulder City High School
Ruffy, Jasmine 15.83 Coral Academy of Science
Bothwell, Paige 15.92 Boulder City High School
Kirk, Cheyenne 16.34h Boulder City High School
shockley, McKenna 16.69 Desert Oasis High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yurek, Brinlee Liberty High School
Smith, Isabelle Liberty High School
Smith, Ava Desert Oasis High School
Gunson, Vera Boulder City High School
Cope - Zwahlen, Skye Liberty High School
Lee, Amylah Liberty High School
Olson, Hayleigh Desert Oasis High School
Bermudez, Taylor Liberty High School
Stickley, Caitlyn Liberty High School
Bradley, Sakura 16.44 Liberty High School
Robinson, Kennedy 17.21 Liberty High School
Moseley, Tianna 17.64h Desert Oasis High School
Cole, Naomi 17.64h Liberty High School
Yarbro, Lauren 17.83 Coronado High School
Payne, Ava 17.94h Boulder City High School
Jeffery, Mica 18.30 Liberty High School
Mainguy, Jocelyn 18.91 Desert Oasis High School
Wickens, Hailey 19.73 Coronado High School
Wortham, Erin 20.20 Coronado High School
Lenihan, Molly 20.33 Desert Oasis High School
Porter, Annalie 20.64h Boulder City High School
Mendez, Ashley 20.65 Boulder City High School
Akpamgbo, Iruka 21.32 Desert Oasis High School
Trowers, Zahara 21.54 Desert Oasis High School
Hedrick, Kalie 21.84h Boulder City High School
Worley, Meg 21.84h Coral Academy of Science
Duplisea, Gabriella 21.98 Desert Oasis High School
Morris, Madeline 22.32 Boulder City High School
Montes, Eva 22.33 Desert Oasis High School
Cole, Ajanae 22.84 Desert Oasis High School
Mattea, Summer 23.33 Boulder City High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Viscardo, Autumn Coronado High School
Faraz, Zaina Coral Academy of Science
Maisano, Sienna Liberty High School
Jonah, Brooke Coral Academy of Science
Williams, Acacia Boulder City High School
Murry, Meredith Coronado High School
Sajin, Devon Coral Academy of Science
Ragonese, Marissa Liberty High School
Ruth, Indy Boulder City High School
O'Meara, Elliot Coronado High School
Hone, Ella 5:34.03 Coronado High School
Henderson, Mary 5:46.63 Boulder City High School
Acosta, Maria 6:01.70 Desert Oasis High School
Nelson, Makayla 6:08.39 Boulder City High School
Palmer, Ellie 6:37.98 Boulder City High School
Charron, Olivia 6:38.49 Green Valley Christian
Torgesen, Callie 6:44.83 Boulder City High School
Perry, Sydney 7:05.34 Green Valley Christian
Hall, Taylor 7:20.00h Desert Oasis High School
Watson, Ashley 8:06.63 Liberty High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 79 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ruffy, Jasmine Coral Academy of Science
Payne, Noelle Boulder City High School
joncich, Maci Coronado High School
Davies, Evelyn Liberty High School
Hammond, Madison Boulder City High School
Tanner, Enya Liberty High School
Gainsford, Izzy Coral Academy of Science
Lenihan, Molly Desert Oasis High School
Javierto, Julie Boulder City High School
Howser, Mia Coronado High School
Denson, Raezene Desert Oasis High School
Vena, Katie Green Valley Christian
Denton, Taryn Liberty High School
Li, Katherine Coral Academy of Science
Stones, Charlee Desert Oasis High School
Duplisea, Gabriella Desert Oasis High School
Olson, Emily Boulder City High School
Delacruz, Gabriella Coronado High School
Lee, Amylah Liberty High School
Lopez, Sofia Desert Oasis High School
Phillips, Ashlynn Boulder City High School
Douglas, Ella Boulder City High School
Gardineer, Aliana Coronado High School
Porter, Cali Desert Oasis High School
Rich, , Riley Coronado High School
Lamb, Ceaulei Green Valley Christian
Stickley, Caitlyn Liberty High School
Lauren Sales, Gianna Liberty High School
Madrid, Mikaela Coral Academy of Science
Felise, Lillian Desert Oasis High School
Pollack, Shaylee Coronado High School
McKinney, Athena Coronado High School
McCombs, Chloe Desert Oasis High School
Bhakta, Hridi Coronado High School
Pitts, Porsha Liberty High School
Salas, Madalyn Boulder City High School
Phillips, Kaylie Liberty High School
Bradley, Sakura Liberty High School
Thamer, Svea Coral Academy of Science
Wilks, Sherinet Desert Oasis High School
Degregory, Alyssa Boulder City High School
Booker, Cerrina Boulder City High School
Berry, Alexa Coronado High School
Bogue Bieniemy, , Imani Coronado High School
Matavao, Ali'a 26.26 Liberty High School
Darensbourg, Lauren 27.08 Desert Oasis High School
Hofman, Maddie 27.45 Coronado High School
Schwietz, Kady 28.13 Liberty High School
Garr,, Tia 28.70 Coronado High School
Mitchell, Trystin 28.86 Liberty High School
Payne, Ava 28.94h Boulder City High School
Campion, Brooke 29.00h Desert Oasis High School
Delespinasse, Kaylin 29.73 Desert Oasis High School
Versola, Briyana 29.75 Liberty High School
Kabo, Madeline 29.78 Coronado High School
Vuckovic, Sloane 29.91 Coronado High School
Morrison, Sydney 30.00 Coronado High School
waypa, , ashley 30.10 Coronado High School
Brown, Gena-Rosa 30.54 Liberty High School
Hennessy, Jillian 31.16 Desert Oasis High School
Graham,, Alyssa 31.17 Coronado High School
Barrow, Morgan 31.79 Boulder City High School
Mixson, , Jade 31.87 Coronado High School
Rochester, Alexis 32.26 Liberty High School
Beal, Allie 32.35 Boulder City High School
Trowers, Zahara 32.61 Desert Oasis High School
Sangprasit, Chloe 32.77 Coronado High School
Davidson, Samantha 32.98 Coronado High School
Koch, Clara 33.18 Liberty High School
Rangel, Raquel 33.24 Liberty High School
Stanton, Ryan 33.66 Liberty High School
Vanier, Elise 33.84 Boulder City High School
Lockhart, Jaida 34.15 Liberty High School
Carlisle, Kendra 34.22 Boulder City High School
Trygstad, Tracy 34.22 Boulder City High School
Bothwell, Paige 34.23 Boulder City High School
Aldrich-Manteris, Isabella 34.37 Boulder City High School
shockley, McKenna 34.49 Desert Oasis High School
Lourenco, Layla 35.74 Boulder City High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lee, Amylah Liberty High School
Olson, Hayleigh Desert Oasis High School
Howser, Mia Coronado High School
Worley, Meg Coral Academy of Science
Cope - Zwahlen, Skye Liberty High School
Davison, Wendy Coral Academy of Science
Yurek, Brinlee Liberty High School
Li, Katherine Coral Academy of Science
Smith, Ava Desert Oasis High School
Lenihan, Molly 1:00.90 Desert Oasis High School
Duplisea, Gabriella 1:01.02 Desert Oasis High School
Hedrick, Kalie 1:01.84h Boulder City High School
Wortham, Erin 1:02.10 Coronado High School
Trowers, Zahara 1:02.10 Desert Oasis High School
Morris, Madeline 1:03.24 Boulder City High School
Cole, Ajanae 1:04.69 Desert Oasis High School
Akpamgbo, Iruka 1:06.46 Desert Oasis High School
Montes, Eva 1:07.26 Desert Oasis High School
Robinson, Kennedy 46.36 Liberty High School
Moseley, Tianna 51.85 Desert Oasis High School
Yarbro, Lauren 52.42 Coronado High School
Cole, Naomi 52.88 Liberty High School
Porter, Cali 54.08 Desert Oasis High School
Mainguy, Jocelyn 55.18 Desert Oasis High School
Lauren Sales, Gianna 56.96 Liberty High School
Mendez, Ashley 57.45 Boulder City High School
Porter, Annalie 59.24h Boulder City High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Castaldo, Sienna Liberty High School
Stuart, Lily Boulder City High School
Howell, Grace Liberty High School
Lee, Vera Coronado High School
Jonah, Brooke Coral Academy of Science
Lutostanski, Ryann Liberty High School
Watson, Ashley Liberty High School
Thill, Katherine Coronado High School
Sajin, Devon Coral Academy of Science
Koch, Clara Liberty High School
Maisano, Sienna Liberty High School
Higgins, Kathryn Coronado High School
Henderson, Mary 12:40.00 Boulder City High School
Sangprasit, Alana 12:40.72 Coronado High School
Esquer, Hope 14:33.65 Liberty High School
Watson, Alyssa 14:55.65 Liberty High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vena, Katie Green Valley Christian
Madrid, Mikaela Coral Academy of Science
Jensen, Ella Coronado High School
Cisneros, Regina Liberty High School
Howell, Grace Liberty High School
Jacinto-Kiyuna, Harlee Desert Oasis High School
Denton, Taryn Liberty High School
Howser, Mia Coronado High School
Mixson, , Jade Coronado High School
Bush, Mirella Green Valley Christian
Degregory, Alyssa Boulder City High School
Wallace, Sienna Coral Academy of Science
King, Ella Coronado High School
Renneker, Brianna Desert Oasis High School
Smith, Ava Desert Oasis High School
Pitts, Porsha Liberty High School
Padilla, Maria Coronado High School
Koch, Clara Liberty High School
Lamb, Ceaulei Green Valley Christian
Fernandez, Julianna Desert Oasis High School
Javierto, Julie Boulder City High School
Thamer, Svea Coral Academy of Science
Bradley, Satsuki Liberty High School
Rich, , Riley Coronado High School
Bielich, Gina Green Valley Christian
Castaldo, Sienna Liberty High School
Douglas, Ella Boulder City High School
Faraz, Zaina Coral Academy of Science
Boivin, Mikayla Desert Oasis High School
Stanton, Ryan Liberty High School
Bhakta, Hridi Coronado High School
Hofman, Maddie 1:01.47 Coronado High School
Viscardo, Autumn 1:04.95 Coronado High School
Delespinasse, Kaylin 1:07.64h Desert Oasis High School
Bringhurst, Rowan 1:08.18 Coronado High School
Brown, Gena-Rosa 1:08.47 Liberty High School
Denton, Aubrie 1:09.54h Boulder City High School
Olson, Hayleigh 1:11.64h Desert Oasis High School
Phillips, Kaylie 1:11.81 Liberty High School
Gordon, Gabrielle 1:11.93 Liberty High School
Barrow, Morgan 1:12.51 Boulder City High School
Hammond, Madison 1:13.34 Boulder City High School
Nelson, Makayla 1:13.76 Boulder City High School
Diaz-Norman, Nina 1:14.24h Desert Oasis High School
Trygstad, Tracy 1:14.54h Boulder City High School
Doane, Addison 1:17.77 Boulder City High School
Cilento, Miranda 1:20.23 Desert Oasis High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team C Coronado High School
Relay Team B Boulder City High School
Relay Team B Coral Academy of Science
Relay Team D Coronado High School
Relay Team A Coronado High School
Relay Team B Coronado High School
Relay Team A Boulder City High School
Relay Team A Coral Academy of Science
Relay Team A 1:00.21 Desert Oasis High School
Relay Team A 53.42 Liberty High School
Relay Team B 53.42 Liberty High School
Relay Team C 53.42 Liberty High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team D Coronado High School
Relay Team A Coronado High School
Relay Team B Boulder City High School
Relay Team A Liberty High School
Relay Team B Coronado High School
Relay Team A Coral Academy of Science
Relay Team B Liberty High School
Relay Team C Coronado High School
Relay Team A Boulder City High School
Relay Team A 2:06.97 Desert Oasis High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Desert Oasis High School
Relay Team A Boulder City High School
Relay Team A Coronado High School
Relay Team B Boulder City High School
Relay Team A Green Valley Christian
Relay Team B Coronado High School
Relay Team A 4:21.17 Liberty High School
Relay Team B 4:21.17 Liberty High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Boulder City High School
Relay Team A Green Valley Christian
Relay Team A Coronado High School
Relay Team A Desert Oasis High School
Relay Team B Boulder City High School
Relay Team B Coronado High School
Relay Team A Liberty High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salas, Madalyn Boulder City High School
Bielich, Gina Green Valley Christian
Denton, Taryn Liberty High School
Kotch, Annmarie Liberty High School
Vuckovic, Sloane Coronado High School
Mendoza, Ashley Liberty High School
Lourenco, Layla Boulder City High School
Bush, Mirella Green Valley Christian
Ragonese, Marissa Liberty High School
Faraz, Zaina Coral Academy of Science
Stuart, Lily Boulder City High School
Castaldo, Sienna Liberty High School
Lund, Amy Coronado High School
Wallace, Sienna Coral Academy of Science
Maisano, Sienna Liberty High School
Cisneros, Regina Liberty High School
Brown, Anna Coronado High School
Viscardo, Autumn 2:34.61 Coronado High School
Henderson, Mary 2:38.53 Boulder City High School
Leon, Jessica 2:40.00 Desert Oasis High School
Acosta, Maria 2:45.20 Desert Oasis High School
Williams, Acacia 2:47.73 Boulder City High School
Brown, Gena-Rosa 2:50.58 Liberty High School
Torgesen, Callie 2:55.60 Boulder City High School
Esquer, Hope 2:55.67 Liberty High School
Charron, Olivia 2:57.58 Green Valley Christian
Perkes, Kate 3:01.61 Desert Oasis High School
Gordon, Gabrielle 3:01.63 Liberty High School
Perry, Sydney 3:01.66 Green Valley Christian
Ruth, Indy 3:03.12 Boulder City High School
Obermeyer, Kamryn 3:05.34 Desert Oasis High School
Thibodeau, Bella 3:08.60 Desert Oasis High School
Betancourt, Ava 3:09.27 Desert Oasis High School
Fagotto, Caterina 3:09.98 Desert Oasis High School
Palmer, Ellie 3:12.17 Boulder City High School
Koch, Clara 3:14.63 Liberty High School
Jacobs, Sofia 3:25.97 Desert Oasis High School
Hall, Taylor 3:30.20 Desert Oasis High School
Liaos, Alyssa 3:35.00h Desert Oasis High School
Singletary, Lexi 3:35.00h Desert Oasis High School
Marquez, Nuria 3:35.00h Desert Oasis High School
Ciftlik, Sinem 3:40.00h Desert Oasis High School
Aviles-Sanchez,, Maria 3:43.90 Coronado High School
Watson, Ashley 3:45.92 Liberty High School
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Girls Discus 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gordon, Chayanne 102-0 Liberty High School
Clark, Sophia 101-6 Liberty High School
Puletasi, Adrienne 99-9 Liberty High School
Limon, Scarlett 96-9 Green Valley Christian
Pulu, Mona 92-7 Liberty High School
Guchida, Noemie 76-11 Desert Oasis High School
Dougherty, Brooke 73-6 Coronado High School
Parker, Jaina 72-3 Liberty High School
Riccio, Leaf 62-4.5 Green Valley Christian
McLeod-Funk, Madison 61-0 Desert Oasis High School
Fife, Eve 60-5 Desert Oasis High School
Trobiani, McKennzye 58-8.5 Boulder City High School
McCombs, Karli 54-4 Desert Oasis High School
Trobiani, Kaitlyn 54-3 Boulder City High School
Smith, Ava 53-10 Green Valley Christian
Logoleo, Ana 52-0 Liberty High School
Lopez, Sofia 43-10 Desert Oasis High School
Bothwell, Paige 42-0 Boulder City High School
Poe, Lindsey 41-3 Boulder City High School
Ferch, Haley 36-7 Boulder City High School
jennings, arianna Coronado High School
Charron, Samantha Green Valley Christian
Riffel, Alexandra Green Valley Christian
Worley, Emi Coral Academy of Science
Alongi, Anna Desert Oasis High School
Ibeabuchi, Adaeze Liberty High School
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Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matavao, Ali'a 5-0 Liberty High School
Harris, Jada 5-0 Liberty High School
Coleman, Danielle 4-10 Desert Oasis High School
Bradley, Sakura 4-10 Liberty High School
Schwietz, Kady 4-10 Liberty High School
Daniel, Kaylee 4-8 Coronado High School
Speaker, Ellie 4-6 Boulder City High School
McCombs, Chloe 4-6 Desert Oasis High School
Livingston, Kennedy 4-6 Liberty High School
Morris, Madeline 4-0 Boulder City High School
Slaman, Naliah 3-10 Desert Oasis High School
Gunson, Vera Boulder City High School
Mattea, Summer Boulder City High School
Renneker, Brianna Desert Oasis High School
Jensen, Ella Coronado High School
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Girls Long Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matavao, Ali'a 17-4 Liberty High School
Miller, Dorienne 15-7.5 Liberty High School
Middleton, Kayli 15-2 Coronado High School
Daniel, Kaylee 14-10 Coronado High School
Coleman, Danielle 14-10 Desert Oasis High School
Porter, Annalie 14-4.5 Boulder City High School
Jeffery, Mica 14-4 Liberty High School
Davison, Wendy 13-10 Coral Academy of Science
Kirk, Cheyenne 12-7 Boulder City High School
Olson, Emily 12-6 Boulder City High School
Carmichael, Julia 12-6 Boulder City High School
Speaker, Ellie 12-3 Boulder City High School
Doane, Addison 11-4 Boulder City High School
Trygstad, Tracy 10-7 Boulder City High School
Aldrich-Manteris, Isabella 10-2 Boulder City High School
Gunson, Vera 9-6 Boulder City High School
Ferch, Haley 6-9 Boulder City High School
Vanier, Elise Boulder City High School
Renneker, Brianna Desert Oasis High School
Bradley, Sakura Liberty High School
Gainsford, Izzy Coral Academy of Science
Sajin, Devon Coral Academy of Science
Ruffy, Jasmine Coral Academy of Science
Bradley, Satsuki Liberty High School
Hatley, Kilolo Liberty High School
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Girls Pole Vault 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baird, Megan 11-1.75 Coronado High School
Daniel, Kaylee 10-0 Coronado High School
Thornhill, Kyra 9-3 Coronado High School
Rawlins, Anna 9-1.5 Coronado High School
Fifita, Marley 8-0 Coronado High School
Grossman, Devin 8-0 Liberty High School
Lim, Chloe 7-6 Coronado High School
Seed, Samantha 6-6 Liberty High School
Utley, Kylie 6-3 Coronado High School
Sakowski, , Kailey 6-3 Coronado High School
Maokhamphio, Paris 6-3 Desert Oasis High School
Rich, , Riley 6-0 Coronado High School
Stewart, Kate Coronado High School
Gardineer, Aliana Coronado High School
Swenson, Hadley Coronado High School
Burgess, Hana Desert Oasis High School
Flasher, Kataryna Desert Oasis High School
Garland, Alya Desert Oasis High School
Locey, Sonja Desert Oasis High School
Lopez, Olivia Desert Oasis High School
Merritt, Hope Desert Oasis High School
Parel, Zoya Desert Oasis High School
Zarvian, Zoe Desert Oasis High School
Vanier, Elise Boulder City High School
Bothwell, Paige Boulder City High School
Calizo, Jossy Liberty High School
Walsh, Alexa Liberty High School
Wayment, Eliza Liberty High School
Machado, Alissa Liberty High School
Pedote, Megan Liberty High School
Versola, Briyana Liberty High School
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Girls Shot Put 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gordon, Chayanne 34-9 Liberty High School
Pulu, Mona 34-2.5 Liberty High School
Puletasi, Adrienne 33-1 Liberty High School
Clark, Sophia 25-11 Liberty High School
Parker, Jaina 25-10 Liberty High School
Limon, Scarlett 25-6 Green Valley Christian
Dougherty, Brooke 24-10 Coronado High School
Smith, Ava 22-10 Green Valley Christian
Trobiani, McKennzye 22-3.5 Boulder City High School
Riccio, Leaf 21-8 Green Valley Christian
Trobiani, Kaitlyn 18-3 Boulder City High School
Ferch, Haley 17-2 Boulder City High School
jennings, arianna Coronado High School
Charron, Samantha Green Valley Christian
Riffel, Alexandra Green Valley Christian
Poe, Lindsey Boulder City High School
Worley, Emi Coral Academy of Science
Alongi, Anna Desert Oasis High School
Fife, Eve Desert Oasis High School
Lopez, Sofia Desert Oasis High School
McCombs, Karli Desert Oasis High School
McLeod-Funk, Madison Desert Oasis High School
Campion, Brooke Desert Oasis High School
Logoleo, Ana Liberty High School
Ibeabuchi, Adaeze Liberty High School
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Girls Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Dorienne 36-2 Liberty High School
Middleton, Kayli 33-0 Coronado High School
Phillips, Kaylie 32-11 Liberty High School
Chestnut, Sydney 31-6 Liberty High School
Carmichael, Julia 27-5 Boulder City High School
Kirk, Cheyenne 26-2 Boulder City High School
Payne, Noelle 25-4 Boulder City High School
Doane, Addison 25-2 Boulder City High School
Aldrich-Manteris, Isabella Boulder City High School
McCombs, Chloe Desert Oasis High School
Versola, Briyana Liberty High School
Robinson, Kennedy Liberty High School
Bradley, Satsuki Liberty High School
Hatley, Kilolo Liberty High School
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