Green Valley Weekday #1 2023

Henderson, NV

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 68 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valenzuela, Chayse Lake Mead Christian Academy
Nevens, Isaiah Laughlin High School
Owens, Jayden Lake Mead Christian Academy
Sainz, Malik Laughlin High School
Koehler, Brody American Heritage Academy
Trejo, Jasiel Laughlin High School
Pascual, Andrew Lake Mead Christian Academy
Medina, Miguel Green Valley High School
Thomas, Aziyah Laughlin High School
Winn, Kaleb Laughlin High School
Shoopman, August Lake Mead Christian Academy
Thompson, Kendrick Laughlin High School
Olsen, Calvin Boulder City High School
Morse, Jaeden Lake Mead Christian Academy
Park, Juhyung American Heritage Academy
Ware, Herbert Green Valley High School
Robertson, James Laughlin High School
Edwards, Josiah 10.94 Green Valley High School
Akalu, Ky'relle 11.34h Boulder City High School
Strachan, Zachary 11.54h Boulder City High School
Dunbar, Cameron 11.64 Green Valley High School
Rodriguez, Alfredo 11.68 Green Valley High School
Tyler, Mark 11.74 Green Valley High School
Carter, Shawn 11.74 Green Valley High School
Dickerson, Jasiah 11.77 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Adams, Demir 11.80 Eldorado High School
Kosloske, Jerome 11.82 Green Valley High School
Momfort, Daniel 11.95 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Broadbent, Joshua 11.99 Boulder City High School
Colbrook, Tyler 12.00 Green Valley High School
Adams, Robert 12.02 Green Valley High School
Villanueva, Raiden 12.07 Green Valley High School
Lynch, Jamare 12.12 Eldorado High School
Ostler, Luke 12.16 Eldorado High School
Pusko, Lane 12.37 Boulder City High School
Scheppman, Ben 12.40 Boulder City High School
Schenk, River 12.51 Boulder City High School
Costa, Antonio 12.54 Boulder City High School
Stephens, Wyatt 12.56 Green Valley High School
Cook, Daniel 12.66 Eldorado High School
Valencia, Ethan 12.67 Boulder City High School
Nieves, Elijah 12.73 Green Valley High School
Miley, Dylan 12.84 Boulder City High School
Sharp, Anthony 12.91 Eldorado High School
Ritchie, Alexander 13.05 Green Valley High School
McKeon, Shawn 13.08 Green Valley High School
Ramirez, Geddy 13.13 Green Valley High School
Robinson, Derrieon 13.13 Eldorado High School
Adams, Aiden 13.16 Green Valley High School
Byington, Samuel 13.23 Green Valley High School
Goodhue, Landon 13.31 Boulder City High School
Paet, Eli 13.38 American Heritage Academy
Hunsaker, Collin 13.44 American Heritage Academy
Grace-Hadad, Gavin 13.44h Boulder City High School
Magdaleno, Tylon 13.54 Green Valley High School
Galang, Anthony 13.59 Green Valley High School
Mehanna, Britton 13.75 American Heritage Academy
Lewis, Nathaniel 13.80 Boulder City High School
Bothwell, Riley 13.83 Boulder City High School
Maloy, Ezra 14.06 Green Valley High School
Tucker, Quentin 14.12 Boulder City High School
Ortlipp, Garrick 14.27 Green Valley High School
Chatwin, David 14.59 American Heritage Academy
Galvis, Isaac 14.60 American Heritage Academy
Jones, Noah 14.70 American Heritage Academy
Barklage, Zane 14.80 Boulder City High School
Johnson-Loe, Jasper 16.12 Green Valley High School
Hood, Sebastian 16.97 American Heritage Academy
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morse, Jaeden Lake Mead Christian Academy
Calavano, Joseph Lake Mead Christian Academy
Pugh, Bryce 16.21 Green Valley High School
Momfort, Daniel 17.78 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Schmidt, Ephraim 17.88 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Guzman, Alexander 21.69 Green Valley High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hawkes, Tyler Lake Mead Christian Academy
Hood, Sebastian American Heritage Academy
De Lira Gomez, Cibrayt Eldorado High School
Leon, Luis Eldorado High School
Murillo, Daniel Eldorado High School
Palacios, Alvaro Eldorado High School
Amaya, Jose Eldorado High School
Jones, Brayden 4:54.53 Boulder City High School
Sohus, Ethan 4:57.33 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Hutchins, Johnny 5:22.96 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Christensen, Talmage 5:34.75 American Heritage Academy
Mcafee, Anderson 5:35.61 Green Valley High School
DeCania, Emory 5:43.90 Green Valley High School
Providenti, Christopher 5:46.60 Desert Oasis High School
Bihar, Gabriel 5:50.26 Green Valley High School
Rider, Dylan 6:00.53 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Sullivan, Brayden 6:00.91 Green Valley High School
Aweke, Abel 6:11.08 Desert Oasis High School
Ratheal, Liam 6:12.89 Green Valley High School
Lockhart, Edward 6:15.59 Desert Oasis High School
Hall, Malachai 6:28.81 Green Valley High School
Gonzalez, Alexander 6:33.68 Desert Oasis High School
Koehler, Brody 6:39.25 American Heritage Academy
Kim, Hyunggyu 6:48.57 American Heritage Academy
Welsh, Edward 6:56.75 Green Valley High School
Short, Ethan 7:58.13 Boulder City High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 52 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nevens, Isaiah Laughlin High School
Medina, Miguel Green Valley High School
Shoopman, August Lake Mead Christian Academy
Sainz, Malik Laughlin High School
Terrill, Mason Boulder City High School
Larson, Brenden Laughlin High School
Trejo, Jasiel Laughlin High School
Valenzuela, Chayse Lake Mead Christian Academy
Thomas, Aziyah Laughlin High School
Rhodes, Gavin Lake Mead Christian Academy
Akalu, Ky'relle Boulder City High School
Thompson, Kendrick Laughlin High School
Owens, Jayden Lake Mead Christian Academy
Robertson, James Laughlin High School
Olsen, Calvin Boulder City High School
Edwards, Josiah 22.49 Green Valley High School
Dunbar, Cameron 23.30 Green Valley High School
Carter, Shawn 24.20 Green Valley High School
Rodriguez, Alfredo 24.24 Green Valley High School
Adams, Robert 24.46 Green Valley High School
Segal, Max 24.61 Green Valley High School
Villanueva, Raiden 24.61 Green Valley High School
Kosloske, Jerome 24.69 Green Valley High School
Strachan, Zachary 24.83 Boulder City High School
Broadbent, Joshua 24.89 Boulder City High School
Ostler, Luke 25.03 Eldorado High School
West, Jaeshawn 25.16 Eldorado High School
Cook, Daniel 25.30 Eldorado High School
Dickerson, Jasiah 25.49 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Tyler, Mark 25.56 Green Valley High School
Pusko, Lane 25.68 Boulder City High School
Costa, Antonio 25.92 Boulder City High School
Schenk, River 26.55 Boulder City High School
Robinson, Derrieon 26.80 Eldorado High School
Crovetto, GianCarlo 26.81 Green Valley High School
Ritchie, Alexander 27.13 Green Valley High School
Miley, Dylan 27.25 Boulder City High School
Goodhue, Landon 27.41 Boulder City High School
Sharp, Anthony 27.57 Eldorado High School
Antico, Dimitri 27.88 Boulder City High School
Winn, Kaleb 27.92 Laughlin High School
Brust, Rilyn 27.93 Green Valley High School
Bothwell, Riley 28.40 Boulder City High School
Magdaleno, Tylon 28.67 Green Valley High School
Lewis, Nathaniel 28.67 Boulder City High School
Galang, Anthony 28.88 Green Valley High School
Ortlipp, Garrick 29.70 Green Valley High School
Grace-Hadad, Gavin 30.44 Boulder City High School
Maloy, Ezra 30.56 Green Valley High School
Tucker, Quentin 30.90 Boulder City High School
Barklage, Zane 30.93 Boulder City High School
Johnson-Loe, Jasper 33.03 Green Valley High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Calavano, Joseph Lake Mead Christian Academy
Morse, Jaeden Lake Mead Christian Academy
Schmidt, Ephraim 43.96 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Momfort, Daniel 45.73 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Guzman, Alexander 51.82 Green Valley High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hawkes, Tyler Lake Mead Christian Academy
Marruffo, Azael 10:51.96 Green Valley High School
Rider, Dylan 13:11.88 Lake Mead Christian Academy
DeCania, Emory 13:20.53 Green Valley High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jensen, Tristen American Heritage Academy
Thompson, Kendrick Laughlin High School
Jones, Noah American Heritage Academy
Robertson, James Laughlin High School
Maloy, Ezra Green Valley High School
Nevens, Isaiah Laughlin High School
Mehanna, Britton American Heritage Academy
Sainz, Malik Laughlin High School
Medina, Miguel Green Valley High School
Pugh, Bryce Green Valley High School
Larson, Brenden Laughlin High School
Trejo, Jasiel Laughlin High School
Walden, Immanuel Eldorado High School
Paet, Eli American Heritage Academy
Thomas, Aziyah Laughlin High School
Shoopman, August Lake Mead Christian Academy
Valencia, Evan Boulder City High School
Jones, Cayden American Heritage Academy
Ramirez, Geddy 1:00.37 Green Valley High School
Ritchie, Alexander 1:03.61 Green Valley High School
Wainwright, Brian 1:04.04 Boulder City High School
Hunsaker, Collin 1:05.87 American Heritage Academy
Grace-Hadad, Gavin 1:06.37 Boulder City High School
Calavano, Joseph 1:06.80 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Galvis, Isaac 1:13.94 American Heritage Academy
Mackey, Philip 2:24.70 Desert Oasis High School
Dunbar, Cameron 51.25 Green Valley High School
Thackeray, Jayden 52.89 Boulder City High School
Segal, Max 53.72 Green Valley High School
West, Jaeshawn 55.29 Eldorado High School
Sohus, Ethan 55.76 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Rhodes, Gavin 56.11 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Hutchins, Johnny 56.78 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Adams, Robert 58.00 Green Valley High School
Winn, Kaleb 58.08 Laughlin High School
Mills, Josh 59.67 Lake Mead Christian Academy
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lake Mead Christian Academy
Relay Team A 46.30 Eldorado High School
Relay Team D 47.60 Boulder City High School
Relay Team A 47.60 Boulder City High School
Relay Team B 47.60 Boulder City High School
Relay Team C 47.60 Boulder City High School
Relay Team A 54.75 American Heritage Academy
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lake Mead Christian Academy
Relay Team A 1:32.31 Green Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:37.00 Boulder City High School
Relay Team B 1:37.00 Boulder City High School
Relay Team A 1:38.00 Eldorado High School
Relay Team A 1:54.81 American Heritage Academy
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Eldorado High School
Relay Team A 3:37.52 Green Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:39.72 Boulder City High School
Relay Team A 3:52.81 Lake Mead Christian Academy
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lake Mead Christian Academy
Relay Team A 8:35.65 Green Valley High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sullivan, Brayden Green Valley High School
De Lira Gomez, Cibrayt Eldorado High School
Leon, Luis Eldorado High School
Thackeray, Jayden Boulder City High School
Palacios, Alvaro Eldorado High School
Valencia, Evan Boulder City High School
Amaya, Jose Eldorado High School
Sohus, Ethan 2:05.67 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Barron-Renteria, Cruz 2:06.35 Green Valley High School
Jones, Brayden 2:10.68 Boulder City High School
Hutchins, Johnny 2:13.83 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Welsh, Adam 2:15.00 Green Valley High School
Bihar, Dominic 2:23.96 Green Valley High School
Tretina, Sujal 2:24.10 Green Valley High School
Christensen, Talmage 2:27.18 American Heritage Academy
Clancy, Kellen 2:32.01 Green Valley High School
Bihar, Gabriel 2:32.04 Green Valley High School
Lockhart, Edward 2:34.72 Desert Oasis High School
Lantow, Riley 2:35.39 Green Valley High School
Mcafee, Anderson 2:37.00 Green Valley High School
Providenti, Christopher 2:40.74 Desert Oasis High School
Jensen, Tristen 2:41.15 American Heritage Academy
Grace-Hadad, Gavin 2:43.74 Boulder City High School
Aweke, Abel 2:45.47 Desert Oasis High School
Ratheal, Liam 2:46.49 Green Valley High School
Gonzalez, Alexander 2:48.25 Desert Oasis High School
Chatwin, David 2:53.67 American Heritage Academy
Kim, Hyunggyu 2:54.07 American Heritage Academy
Hall, Malachai 2:54.60 Green Valley High School
Murillo, Daniel 3:00.20 Eldorado High School
Welsh, Edward 3:14.00 Green Valley High School
Short, Ethan 3:27.53 Boulder City High School
Mackey, Philip 4:57.09 Desert Oasis High School
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Boys Discus 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ware, Herbert 132-0 Green Valley High School
King, Caleb 120-0 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Grace-Madrigal, James 113-3 Boulder City High School
Nieves, Elijah 108-11 Green Valley High School
Beza, Jacob 107-11 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Stutzky, Zander 95-0 Green Valley High School
McKeon, Shawn 92-11 Green Valley High School
Grace-Madrigal, Jacob 88-9 Boulder City High School
Hurd, Mason 87-9 Green Valley High School
Antico, Dimitri 85-8 Boulder City High School
Galvan, Juan 85-2 Laughlin High School
Murphy, Calahan 82-11 Boulder City High School
Ruschak, Dylan 81-9 Boulder City High School
Strong, Jay 81-3 Green Valley High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 75-5 Eldorado High School
Ferguson, Gage 72-5 Laughlin High School
Tietjen, Hance 71-8 Boulder City High School
Schmeling, Mason 69-9 Laughlin High School
Morris, Sterling 68-1 Boulder City High School
Barnes, Timothy 65-9 Boulder City High School
Cops, Lou 65-1 Boulder City High School
Kolman, Joshua 62-4 Green Valley High School
Ferguson, Kaleb 58-4 Laughlin High School
Jiron, Gunnar 57-9 Laughlin High School
Faataui Morales, Damian 56-3 Green Valley High School
Rollins, Wyatt 54-1 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Aranio, Zavery Lake Mead Christian Academy
Espejel, Abraham Laughlin High School
Colbert, Derrick Eldorado High School
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Boys High Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Terrill, Mason 5-8 Boulder City High School
Antico, Dimitri 5-2 Boulder City High School
Valencia, Ethan 5-0 Boulder City High School
Dickerson, Jasiah Lake Mead Christian Academy
Shoopman, August Lake Mead Christian Academy
Momfort, Daniel Lake Mead Christian Academy
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Boys Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Merino, Angel 21-4.25 Green Valley High School
Edquilang, Theodore John 20-8 Green Valley High School
Galang, Anthony 18-8.5 Green Valley High School
Crovetto, GianCarlo 18-3 Green Valley High School
Thompson, Kendrick 17-7 Laughlin High School
Wainwright, Brian 17-3.75 Boulder City High School
Thomas, Aziyah 17-1 Laughlin High School
Grace-Madrigal, James 15-7 Boulder City High School
Mills, Josh 15-5.5 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Sainz, Malik 15-5 Laughlin High School
Byington, Samuel 14-2 Green Valley High School
Morris, Sterling 11-10 Boulder City High School
Robertson, James 11-4 Laughlin High School
Barklage, Zane 9-7 Boulder City High School
Pascual, Andrew Lake Mead Christian Academy
Shoopman, August Lake Mead Christian Academy
Dickerson, Jasiah Lake Mead Christian Academy
Nevens, Isaiah Laughlin High School
Trejo, Jasiel Laughlin High School
Winn, Kaleb Laughlin High School
Lynch, Jamare Eldorado High School
Adams, Demir Eldorado High School
Sharp, Anthony Eldorado High School
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Boys Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Geiger, Bradley 9-6 Green Valley High School
Shirley, Alexander 9-0 Green Valley High School
Thiele, David 9-0 Green Valley High School
Shelver, Alfred 8-6 Green Valley High School
Stephens, Aidan 8-0 Green Valley High School
Olsen, Calvin Boulder City High School
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Boys Shot Put 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beza, Jacob 42-4 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Ware, Herbert 41-4 Green Valley High School
Barnes, Timothy 38-11 Boulder City High School
King, Caleb 36-5.5 Lake Mead Christian Academy
McKeon, Shawn 36-4 Green Valley High School
Grace-Madrigal, James 35-0 Boulder City High School
Strong, Jay 34-5 Green Valley High School
Nieves, Elijah 33-8.5 Green Valley High School
Galvan, Juan 32-10 Laughlin High School
Ruschak, Dylan 32-1.5 Boulder City High School
Rodriguez, Joshua 32-0 Eldorado High School
Murphy, Calahan 30-10.25 Boulder City High School
Grace-Madrigal, Jacob 30-7 Boulder City High School
Morris, Sterling 29-0 Boulder City High School
Stutzky, Zander 28-1 Green Valley High School
Schmeling, Mason 28-0 Laughlin High School
Ferguson, Kaleb 27-4.25 Laughlin High School
Tietjen, Hance 26-11.75 Boulder City High School
Ferguson, Gage 26-8.75 Laughlin High School
Kolman, Joshua 26-2 Green Valley High School
Hurd, Mason 24-8 Green Valley High School
Cops, Lou 24-7 Boulder City High School
Faataui Morales, Damian 24-3 Green Valley High School
Jiron, Gunnar 24-1 Laughlin High School
Rollins, Wyatt 18-7 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Aranio, Zavery Lake Mead Christian Academy
Espejel, Abraham Laughlin High School
Colbert, Derrick Eldorado High School
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Boys Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pusko, Lane 37-0 Boulder City High School
Scheppman, Ben 35-6.75 Boulder City High School
Goodhue, Landon 35-3 Boulder City High School
Mills, Josh 33-7 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Wainwright, Brian 30-8 Boulder City High School
Morse, Jaeden Lake Mead Christian Academy
Rider, Dylan Lake Mead Christian Academy
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 66 entries

Athlete Seed Team
May, Lilly Lake Mead Christian Academy
Spencer, Trinity Eldorado High School
Esquivel, Natalie Green Valley High School
Shirley, Sabbra Green Valley High School
Ramos, Lola Lake Mead Christian Academy
Valerio, Maria American Heritage Academy
White, Kalieah Eldorado High School
Harris, Jaida Lake Mead Christian Academy
Stewart, A'Janay 12.93 Green Valley High School
Beam, Maddie 13.07 Green Valley High School
Vaughns, Divinity 13.20 Green Valley High School
Tafua, Soriah 13.20 Green Valley High School
Reed, Sage 13.21 Green Valley High School
Jenas-Keogh, Sancha 13.34 Boulder City High School
Santos, Hannah 13.42 Laughlin High School
Casto, Kaci 13.53 Green Valley High School
Bobo, Thai 13.73 Green Valley High School
Sandulak, Britney 13.78 Green Valley High School
Hennessy, Jillian 13.84 Desert Oasis High School
Leon, Sandy 13.91 Green Valley High School
Payne, Noelle 14.07 Boulder City High School
Wilham, Melody 14.16 American Heritage Academy
Buono, Tatiana 14.20 Green Valley High School
Vazquez, Gianessa 14.21 Green Valley High School
Jenkins, Hailey 14.36 Green Valley High School
Ramirez, Jazmine 14.37 Green Valley High School
Willey, Kyra 14.38 Green Valley High School
Nielsen, Scarlet 14.48 Green Valley High School
Stewart, Savanh 14.56 Green Valley High School
Greer, Anylah 14.58 Green Valley High School
Rincan, Dianna 14.58 Green Valley High School
Leavitt, Delaney 14.62 Boulder City High School
Nagamine, Tihaney 14.65 Green Valley High School
Hardy, Hazel 14.68 Boulder City High School
Hayes, Carmen 14.75 Green Valley High School
Lopez, Olivia 14.95 Desert Oasis High School
Blosfield, Rylea 15.00h Boulder City High School
Reed, Teya 15.01 Green Valley High School
Bressan, Sara 15.03 Eldorado High School
Johnson, Jordyn 15.04 Green Valley High School
Booker, Cerrina 15.04h Boulder City High School
Chatwin, Emma 15.06 American Heritage Academy
Rollans, Scarlett 15.10 Green Valley High School
Sena, Alexa 15.14 Green Valley High School
Skousen, Xochitl 15.24 Boulder City High School
Haas, Kate 15.33 Green Valley High School
Solaequi, Ava 15.34 American Heritage Academy
Cybulski, Lucy 15.34 Boulder City High School
Becerra, Lucia 15.34 Eldorado High School
Gaston, Hailey 15.35 Green Valley High School
Klein, Ruby 15.50 Green Valley High School
Carter, Tyliyah 15.54 Green Valley High School
Young, Bryelle 15.60h Boulder City High School
Torgesen, Mariah 15.70h Boulder City High School
Ostler, Ella 15.85 Eldorado High School
Monroy, Natalie 15.88 Green Valley High School
Quintero, Leslie 16.13 Laughlin High School
Sarnelli, Anna 16.14 Green Valley High School
Friend, Hezekiah 16.40 Eldorado High School
Ewing, Caroline 16.90 American Heritage Academy
Gomez, Petra 16.96 Boulder City High School
Bunting, Audrey 17.22 Boulder City High School
Murie, Isabella 17.69 American Heritage Academy
Lyons, Camila 17.93 Boulder City High School
Edwards, Alyvia 18.08 Boulder City High School
Rios, Danyella 18.67 Green Valley High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Emily Lake Mead Christian Academy
Burgess, Isabelle Lake Mead Christian Academy
Corvino, Olive Green Valley High School
Smith, Ava 17.46 Desert Oasis High School
Kimbrough, Tamera 19.63 Green Valley High School
Tafua, Leah 20.10 Green Valley High School
Hedrick, Kalie 21.12 Boulder City High School
Litjens, Sydney 21.40 Boulder City High School
Mattea, Summer 21.47 Boulder City High School
Kalayanaprapruit, Laryssa 22.02 Green Valley High School
Christiansen, Lucille 22.28 Boulder City High School
Ostler, Ella 22.82 Eldorado High School
Hoperich, Halle 23.55 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Bressan, Sara 24.18 Eldorado High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Molina, Allison Eldorado High School
DeCania, Lola Green Valley High School
Garcia, Hazel Desert Oasis High School
Abittan, Abigail Lake Mead Christian Academy
Martin, Lucia Green Valley High School
Halvorson, Eva Lake Mead Christian Academy
Castaneda, Melanie Eldorado High School
Nelson, Makayla 5:53.30 Boulder City High School
Moncada Chapa, Luisa 6:16.35 Laughlin High School
Naduvalath, Ameya 6:19.57 Green Valley High School
Gutierrez-Hess, MaryJane 6:23.06 Green Valley High School
Palmer, Ellie 6:32.10 Boulder City High School
Schweitzer, Iliana 6:37.53 Desert Oasis High School
Gubler, Precious 6:46.33 Green Valley High School
Caceres, Erica 6:49.66 Desert Oasis High School
Maralit, Hannah 7:09.25 Desert Oasis High School
Rosas, Karina 7:25.16 Green Valley High School
Stuart, Lily 7:30.59 Boulder City High School
Espejo Rodriguez, Liseth 7:47.36 Eldorado High School
McCarthy, Alysia 7:48.88 Desert Oasis High School
Cupich, Sofia 8:01.38 Green Valley High School
Gutierrez, Citlalli 8:09.89 Laughlin High School
Palos Gomez, Meredith 8:22.46 Eldorado High School
Gonzalez, Jennifer 8:22.87 Laughlin High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 54 entries

Athlete Seed Team
May, Lilly Lake Mead Christian Academy
Friend, Hezekiah Eldorado High School
Bunting, Audrey Boulder City High School
Sarnelli, Anna Green Valley High School
Harris, Jaida Lake Mead Christian Academy
Kelly, Ely Boulder City High School
Esquivel, Natalie Green Valley High School
Ramos, Lola Lake Mead Christian Academy
Gomez, Petra Boulder City High School
Blosfield, Rylea Boulder City High School
Quintero, Leslie Laughlin High School
White, Kalieah Eldorado High School
Tafua, Soriah 27.97 Green Valley High School
Beam, Maddie 28.01 Green Valley High School
Reed, Sage 28.15 Green Valley High School
Casto, Kaci 28.58 Green Valley High School
Vaughns, Divinity 28.93 Green Valley High School
Jenas-Keogh, Sancha 28.99 Boulder City High School
Santos, Hannah 29.04h Laughlin High School
Hennessy, Jillian 29.54 Desert Oasis High School
Olson, Emily 29.90 Boulder City High School
Newton, Hailey 29.94h Lake Mead Christian Academy
Hoperich, Halle 29.97 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Sandulak, Britney 30.01 Green Valley High School
Nielsen, Scarlet 30.19 Green Valley High School
Morgan, Angela 30.33 Green Valley High School
Martinez, Daniela 30.62 Green Valley High School
Willey, Kyra 30.72 Green Valley High School
Greer, Anylah 31.08 Green Valley High School
Christian, Aspen 31.10 Boulder City High School
Stewart, Savanh 31.45 Green Valley High School
Monroy, Natalie 31.49 Green Valley High School
Booker, Cerrina 31.66 Boulder City High School
Cybulski, Lucy 31.69 Boulder City High School
Hayes, Carmen 31.70 Green Valley High School
Becerra, Lucia 31.84 Eldorado High School
Aldrich-Manteris, Isabella 31.87 Boulder City High School
Bothwell, Paige 31.94h Boulder City High School
Rincan, Dianna 32.02 Green Valley High School
Trygstad, Tracy 32.14h Boulder City High School
Hardy, Hazel 32.31 Boulder City High School
Sena, Alexa 32.55 Green Valley High School
Skousen, Xochitl 33.07 Boulder City High School
Williams, Leonesse 33.15 Boulder City High School
Johnson, Jordyn 34.03 Green Valley High School
Kimbrough, Tamera 34.63 Green Valley High School
Solis, Emily 34.87 Laughlin High School
Klein, Ruby 34.88 Green Valley High School
Gaston, Hailey 34.89 Green Valley High School
Villanueva, Laura 35.58 Green Valley High School
Rios, Danyella 36.60 Green Valley High School
Giamanco, Natalee 39.46 Boulder City High School
Corvino, Olive 41.09 Green Valley High School
Lyons, Camila 41.66 Boulder City High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jolley, Londyn Lake Mead Christian Academy
Romero, Dayana Eldorado High School
Becerra, Lucia Eldorado High School
Burgess, Isabelle Lake Mead Christian Academy
Porter, Annalie 53.62 Boulder City High School
Trygstad, Tracy 55.97 Boulder City High School
Hedrick, Kalie 57.12 Boulder City High School
Tafua, Leah 57.13 Green Valley High School
Hoperich, Halle 57.29 Lake Mead Christian Academy
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abittan, Abigail Lake Mead Christian Academy
Moncada Chapa, Luisa Laughlin High School
Halvorson, Eva Lake Mead Christian Academy
Palmer, Ellie 14:15.63 Boulder City High School
Stuart, Lily 16:59.81 Boulder City High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Esquivel, Natalie Green Valley High School
Sandulak, Britney Green Valley High School
Williams, Leonesse Boulder City High School
Solaequi, Ava American Heritage Academy
May, Lilly Lake Mead Christian Academy
Martinez, Daniela Green Valley High School
Wilham, Melody American Heritage Academy
Gaston, Hailey Green Valley High School
Young, Bryelle Boulder City High School
Valerio, Maria American Heritage Academy
Ramos, Lola Lake Mead Christian Academy
Quintero, Leslie Laughlin High School
Olsen, Meg Boulder City High School
Romero, Dayana Eldorado High School
Rollans, Scarlett Green Valley High School
Santos, Hannah 1:04.93 Laughlin High School
Stewart, A'Janay 1:05.74 Green Valley High School
Morgan, Angela 1:06.69 Green Valley High School
Nelson, Makayla 1:09.00 Boulder City High School
Newton, Hailey 1:11.65 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Willey, Kyra 1:12.17 Green Valley High School
Hayes, Carmen 1:14.44 Green Valley High School
Wirthlin, Elizabeth 1:14.56 Boulder City High School
Nielsen, Scarlet 1:14.95 Green Valley High School
Jenkins, Hailey 1:15.53 Green Valley High School
Utley, Rorri 1:16.78 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Solis, Emily 1:17.66 Laughlin High School
Torgesen, Mariah 1:17.97 Boulder City High School
Rincan, Dianna 1:18.69 Green Valley High School
Johnson, Jordyn 1:19.41 Green Valley High School
Francis, Abigail 1:19.55 Boulder City High School
Ewing, Caroline 1:22.40 American Heritage Academy
Lopez, Olivia 1:22.78 Desert Oasis High School
Kelly, Ely 1:27.04 Boulder City High School
Murie, Isabella 1:28.54 American Heritage Academy
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Eldorado High School
Relay Team A 51.94 Green Valley High School
Relay Team B 51.94 Green Valley High School
Relay Team A 55.35 Boulder City High School
Relay Team B 55.35 Boulder City High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lake Mead Christian Academy
Relay Team A 1:50.08 Green Valley High School
Relay Team B 1:50.08 Green Valley High School
Relay Team B 1:57.31 Boulder City High School
Relay Team C 1:57.31 Boulder City High School
Relay Team A 1:57.31 Boulder City High School
Relay Team A 2:08.83 American Heritage Academy
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lake Mead Christian Academy
Relay Team A 4:42.68 Green Valley High School
Relay Team A 5:00.00 Boulder City High School
Relay Team B 5:00.00 Boulder City High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lake Mead Christian Academy
Relay Team A 11:26.22 Green Valley High School
Relay Team B 11:26.22 Green Valley High School
Relay Team A 11:32.00 Boulder City High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abittan, Abigail Lake Mead Christian Academy
Vanier, Elise Boulder City High School
Solaequi, Ava American Heritage Academy
Olvera, Gianna Desert Oasis High School
Olsen, Meg Boulder City High School
Garcia, Hazel Desert Oasis High School
Anderson, Emily Lake Mead Christian Academy
Castaneda, Melanie Eldorado High School
Romero, Dayana Eldorado High School
Halvorson, Eva Lake Mead Christian Academy
Molina, Allison Eldorado High School
Utley, Rorri Lake Mead Christian Academy
Nelson, Makayla 2:32.36 Boulder City High School
Moncada Chapa, Luisa 2:40.38 Laughlin High School
Lourenco, Layla 2:53.40 Boulder City High School
Wharton, Deja 2:54.36 Green Valley High School
Gutierrez-Hess, MaryJane 2:59.09 Green Valley High School
Porter, Annalie 3:00.18 Boulder City High School
DeCania, Lola 3:01.14 Green Valley High School
April, Brooklyn 3:01.80 Green Valley High School
Wilham, Melody 3:02.83 American Heritage Academy
Wirthlin, Elizabeth 3:03.27 Boulder City High School
Perkins, Hailey 3:04.36 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Schweitzer, Iliana 3:05.59 Desert Oasis High School
Naduvalath, Ameya 3:05.79 Green Valley High School
Williams, Leonesse 3:06.77 Boulder City High School
Hunt, Taylor 3:07.04 Green Valley High School
Caceres, Erica 3:10.13 Desert Oasis High School
Maralit, Hannah 3:11.81 Desert Oasis High School
Palmer, Ellie 3:12.17 Boulder City High School
Rosas, Karina 3:14.69 Green Valley High School
Gallegos, Ariel 3:21.89 Eldorado High School
Chavez, Lola 3:21.90 Green Valley High School
Martin, Lucia 3:26.67 Green Valley High School
Cupich, Sofia 3:28.38 Green Valley High School
McCarthy, Alysia 3:30.24 Desert Oasis High School
Espejo Rodriguez, Liseth 3:32.18 Eldorado High School
Palos Gomez, Meredith 3:36.75 Eldorado High School
Gutierrez, Citlalli 3:43.59 Laughlin High School
Gonzalez, Jennifer 3:45.61 Laughlin High School
Moreno, Cheyenne 3:49.58 Desert Oasis High School
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Girls Discus 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Tenaya 97-2 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Harris, Aliyah 80-1 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Rawhouser, Amelia 79-2 Green Valley High School
Pine, Lolaine 67-1 Eldorado High School
Trobiani, McKennzye 63-5 Boulder City High School
Trobiani, Kaitlyn 62-5 Boulder City High School
Ala, Aliyalanna 62-0 Eldorado High School
Poe, Lindsey 52-0 Boulder City High School
Bunker, Brooklyn 52-0 Boulder City High School
Ruth, Indy 51-3 Boulder City High School
Hook, Samantha 50-9 Eldorado High School
Romero, Evan 49-2 Laughlin High School
Ferch, Haley 49-1 Boulder City High School
Kelly, Ely 44-4 Boulder City High School
Zagorski, Sophia 42-11 Green Valley High School
Delgado, Launa Lake Mead Christian Academy
Klein, Sofia Lake Mead Christian Academy
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Girls High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Christian, Aspen 4-4 Boulder City High School
Litjens, Sydney 4-2 Boulder City High School
Buono, Tatiana Green Valley High School
Christiansen, Lucille Boulder City High School
Mattea, Summer Boulder City High School
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Girls Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santos, Hannah 15-7 Laughlin High School
Pitcher, Shaeleigh 15-4 Green Valley High School
Olson, Emily 14-8.5 Boulder City High School
Bobo, Thai 14-4 Green Valley High School
Newton, Hailey 14-0.5 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Christian, Aspen 13-8 Boulder City High School
Leavitt, Delaney 13-2.75 Boulder City High School
Carter, Tyliyah 13-1 Green Valley High School
Hardy, Hazel 12-4.75 Boulder City High School
Christiansen, Lucille 12-2 Boulder City High School
Aldrich-Manteris, Isabella 11-9.5 Boulder City High School
Williamson-Tabango, Heidi 11-9 Green Valley High School
Skousen, Xochitl 11-6 Boulder City High School
Young, Bryelle 11-6 Boulder City High School
Torgesen, Mariah 11-4 Boulder City High School
Giamanco, Natalee 10-4 Boulder City High School
Edwards, Alyvia 10-2 Boulder City High School
Bunting, Audrey 10-2 Boulder City High School
Mattea, Summer 10-0 Boulder City High School
Anderson, Emily Lake Mead Christian Academy
Jolley, Londyn Lake Mead Christian Academy
Burgess, Isabelle Lake Mead Christian Academy
Stewart, Savanh Green Valley High School
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Girls Pole Vault 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beam, Maddie 10-0 Green Valley High School
Garland, Alya 8-0 Desert Oasis High School
Locey, Sonja 8-0 Desert Oasis High School
Williamson-Tabango, Heidi 7-6 Green Valley High School
Leir, Laura 7-6 Green Valley High School
Monroy, Natalie 7-6 Green Valley High School
McKeon, Kylie 7-6 Green Valley High School
Reed, Teya 7-0 Green Valley High School
Cerven, Ashleigh 7-0 Green Valley High School
Leavitt, Delaney 7-0 Boulder City High School
Burgess, Hana 7-0 Desert Oasis High School
Zarvian, Zoe 6-6 Desert Oasis High School
Parel, Zoya 6-6 Desert Oasis High School
Lamela, Violet 6-0 Green Valley High School
Shelver, Cailyn 6-0 Green Valley High School
Kalayanaprapruit, Laryssa 6-0 Green Valley High School
Shirley, Alani 6-0 Green Valley High School
Skousen, Xochitl 6-0 Boulder City High School
Lidey, Gianna 6-0 Desert Oasis High School
Parapilly, Miriam 5-6 Green Valley High School
Howard, Amyah 5-6 Green Valley High School
Tran, Olivia 5-6 Green Valley High School
Lopez, Olivia 5-6 Desert Oasis High School
Merritt, Hope 5-6 Desert Oasis High School
Leon, Sandy 0-6 Green Valley High School
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Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Tenaya 37-9 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Trobiani, Kaitlyn 37-8.75 Boulder City High School
Ferch, Haley 33-5.5 Boulder City High School
Harris, Aliyah 29-7 Lake Mead Christian Academy
Rawhouser, Amelia 28-2 Green Valley High School
Hook, Samantha 25-3 Eldorado High School
Trobiani, McKennzye 24-7.25 Boulder City High School
Poe, Lindsey 23-6.5 Boulder City High School
Pine, Lolaine 23-6 Eldorado High School
Bunker, Brooklyn 23-5 Boulder City High School
Romero, Evan 21-7 Laughlin High School
Kelly, Ely 17-2 Boulder City High School
Zagorski, Sophia 16-8 Green Valley High School
Ala, Aliyalanna 14-9.25 Eldorado High School
Delgado, Launa Lake Mead Christian Academy
Klein, Sofia Lake Mead Christian Academy
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Girls Triple Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pitcher, Shaeleigh 30-0.5 Green Valley High School
Carmichael, Julia 28-7.5 Boulder City High School
Payne, Noelle 28-0 Boulder City High School
Corrigan, Sarah Lake Mead Christian Academy
Burgess, Isabelle Lake Mead Christian Academy
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