Virgin Valley Weekday #1 2023

Mesquite, NV

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wheeler, Mason Moapa Valley High School
Gomez, Jarren Sunrise Mountain High School
Burt, Jackson Moapa Valley High School
Love, Faizon Sunrise Mountain High School
Moreno, Khaleb Virgin Valley High School
Evans, Dallin Moapa Valley High School
Belnap, Jacob Virgin Valley High School
Porter, Ohani Sunrise Mountain High School
Dalton, Zackary White Pine County
Anguiano, Anajie Sunrise Mountain High School
Russell, Qua'ion Sunrise Mountain High School
Finks, Marell 10.84h Sunrise Mountain High School
Wilson, Keshun 11.34h Sunrise Mountain High School
Jones, Degan 11.41 Moapa Valley High School
Peterson, Dallas 11.52 Sunrise Mountain High School
Leavitt, Gary 11.89 Moapa Valley High School
Avery, Davin 11.99 Lincoln County High School
Johnson, Kristian 12.12 Lincoln County High School
Stankosky, Ethan 12.13 Moapa Valley High School
Aubry, Paul 12.27 Lincoln County High School
Heizelbetz, Dallin 12.41 Lincoln County High School
Jenson, Shayden 12.42 Moapa Valley High School
Redd, Tyson 12.45 Moapa Valley High School
Ramirez, Joaquin 12.49 Virgin Valley High School
Frederick, Gavyn 12.53 Moapa Valley High School
Peterson, James 12.54h Sunrise Mountain High School
Sandberg, Lucas 12.56 Moapa Valley High School
Galarza, Allen 12.58 Virgin Valley High School
Schraft, Talon 12.60h Moapa Valley High School
Davis, Mark 12.66 Virgin Valley High School
Kennard, Caleb 12.67 Virgin Valley High School
Ramirez, Marco 12.70 Moapa Valley High School
Rhoades, Benjamin 12.71 White Pine County
Mellos, Vosh 12.80 White Pine County
Abbott, Keyan 12.86 Virgin Valley High School
Ruiz, Marco 12.96 Lincoln County High School
Piro, Christopher 13.09 Moapa Valley High School
Kohntopp, Davis 13.31 Moapa Valley High School
Katschke, Aaron 13.42 Lincoln County High School
Barlow, Wyatt 13.91 Moapa Valley High School
Cominski, Cyril 13.96 Virgin Valley High School
Walker, Levi 13.98 Moapa Valley High School
Rose, Noah 14.01 Moapa Valley High School
Tingey, Bridger 14.06 Lincoln County High School
Solorio, Mateo 16.36 Moapa Valley High School
Trujillo, Reymond 16.38 Virgin Valley High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Porter, Ohani Sunrise Mountain High School
Redd, Brody 18.10 Moapa Valley High School
Robinson, Austin 18.71 Moapa Valley High School
Leavitt, Nicholas 18.95 Moapa Valley High School
Pollmann, Jackson 19.52 Skyridge
Villa, Marc 19.68 Moapa Valley High School
Vellinga, Dylan 20.12 Virgin Valley High School
Richards, Isaac 20.30 Skyridge
Nicholes, McCaul 20.62 White Pine County
Finlinson, Ray 20.81 Lincoln County High School
Wheeler, Mason 21.14 Moapa Valley High School
Russell, Qua'ion 21.54h Sunrise Mountain High School
Bevin, Damon 22.49 Moapa Valley High School
Jones, Rylan 22.85 Virgin Valley High School
Porter, Ellis 23.12 Moapa Valley High School
Bush, Dakota 23.66 Moapa Valley High School
Bennett, Richard 24.02 White Pine County
Honda, Guy 24.48 White Pine County
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Ben Virgin Valley High School
Thomas, Isaiah Sunrise Mountain High School
Watkins, Spencer Lincoln County High School
Shambaugh, Marcus 4:33.47 Moapa Valley High School
Rappleye, Owen 4:45.75 Virgin Valley High School
Finlinson, Ben 4:56.42 Lincoln County High School
Thompson, Isaac 5:05.51 Moapa Valley High School
Avery, Davin 5:11.86 Lincoln County High School
Greig, Isaac 5:13.52 Virgin Valley High School
Riedel, Anton 5:17.27 Moapa Valley High School
Hendricks, Gavin 5:17.72 Moapa Valley High School
Boss, Joseph 5:18.75 Moapa Valley High School
Dirks, Caleb 5:19.79 Lincoln County High School
ANDERSON, WILLIAM 5:20.53 Moapa Valley High School
Barnum, Dylan 5:21.71 Virgin Valley High School
Thompson, Hal 5:25.36 Moapa Valley High School
Hughes, Gavin 5:29.72 Virgin Valley High School
Maxfield, Drew 5:34.05 Virgin Valley High School
Jensen, Joshua 5:42.85 Moapa Valley High School
Jones, Dustin 5:43.13 Moapa Valley High School
Jensen, Kalen 5:47.50 Virgin Valley High School
Harding, Colton 5:53.68 Lincoln County High School
Bleak, Benson 6:09.47 Lincoln County High School
Houston, Christopher 6:10.81 Moapa Valley High School
Stoker, Mitchell 6:32.66 Moapa Valley High School
Hull, Zaden 6:36.48 Moapa Valley High School
Sandoval, Jesus 6:42.11 Virgin Valley High School
Taylor, Brayden 7:10.34 Virgin Valley High School
Dalton, Zackary 7:23.21 White Pine County
Mikelson, Wyland 7:26.44 Sunrise Mountain High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Porter, Ohani Sunrise Mountain High School
Porter, Ellis Moapa Valley High School
Johnson, Kristian Lincoln County High School
Leavitt, Alex Moapa Valley High School
Labra, Juan White Pine County
Jackson, Asher Virgin Valley High School
Barlow, Wyatt Moapa Valley High School
Rhoades, Benjamin White Pine County
Gomez, Jarren Sunrise Mountain High School
Frieling, Isaiah Virgin Valley High School
Evans, Dallin Moapa Valley High School
Dalton, Zackary White Pine County
Love, Faizon Sunrise Mountain High School
Wheeler, Mason Moapa Valley High School
Belnap, Jacob Virgin Valley High School
Kohntopp, Davis Moapa Valley High School
Honda, Guy White Pine County
Finks, Marell 22.84h Sunrise Mountain High School
Wilson, Keshun 23.74h Sunrise Mountain High School
Witter, Ethan 23.92 Moapa Valley High School
Leavitt, Gary 24.10 Moapa Valley High School
Avery, Davin 24.21 Lincoln County High School
Stankosky, Ethan 24.24 Moapa Valley High School
Peterson, James 24.74h Sunrise Mountain High School
Dominguez, Jacob 24.86 Moapa Valley High School
Aubry, Paul 25.20 Lincoln County High School
Russell, Qua'ion 25.49 Sunrise Mountain High School
Heizelbetz, Dallin 25.50 Lincoln County High School
Redd, Tyson 25.65 Moapa Valley High School
Jenson, Shayden 26.15 Moapa Valley High School
Kennard, Caleb 26.17 Virgin Valley High School
Galarza, Allen 26.24 Virgin Valley High School
Davis, Mark 26.30 Virgin Valley High School
Mellos, Vosh 26.59 White Pine County
Sandberg, Lucas 26.61 Moapa Valley High School
Piro, Christopher 26.71 Moapa Valley High School
Bonanomi, Cristian 27.32 White Pine County
Ramirez, Marco 27.42 Moapa Valley High School
Katschke, Aaron 27.43 Lincoln County High School
Peterson, Dallas 27.80 Sunrise Mountain High School
Tingey, Bridger 28.97 Lincoln County High School
Cominski, Cyril 29.71 Virgin Valley High School
Trujillo, Reymond 36.28 Virgin Valley High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Levi Moapa Valley High School
Honda, Guy White Pine County
Anguiano, Anajie Sunrise Mountain High School
Porter, Ohani Sunrise Mountain High School
Schraft, Talon 45.03 Moapa Valley High School
Robinson, Austin 46.02 Moapa Valley High School
Villa, Marc 46.58 Moapa Valley High School
Wheeler, Mason 48.50 Moapa Valley High School
Finlinson, Ray 49.02 Lincoln County High School
Ramirez, Joaquin 49.52 Virgin Valley High School
Redd, Brody 50.07 Moapa Valley High School
Leavitt, Nicholas 52.33 Moapa Valley High School
Jones, Rylan 52.84 Virgin Valley High School
Hull, Zaden 55.87 Moapa Valley High School
Bennett, Richard 56.28 White Pine County
Russell, Qua'ion 56.94h Sunrise Mountain High School
Rose, Noah 57.87 Moapa Valley High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Silveyra, Ruben Virgin Valley High School
Finlinson, Ben 10:42.25 Lincoln County High School
Rappleye, Owen 10:45.43 Virgin Valley High School
Thompson, Hal 10:57.74 Moapa Valley High School
ANDERSON, WILLIAM 11:05.48 Moapa Valley High School
Hendricks, Gavin 11:16.46 Moapa Valley High School
Greig, Isaac 11:16.59 Virgin Valley High School
Gally, Jacob 12:05.22 Lincoln County High School
Maxfield, Drew 12:08.59 Virgin Valley High School
Thompson, Isaac 12:16.56 Moapa Valley High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Riedel, Anton Moapa Valley High School
Hughes, Gavin Virgin Valley High School
Bunker, Jaxson Moapa Valley High School
Honda, Guy White Pine County
Rappleye, Owen Virgin Valley High School
Dominguez, Jacob Moapa Valley High School
Christensen, Noah 1:00.39 Moapa Valley High School
Mellos, Vosh 1:01.90 White Pine County
Mellos, Vosh Mellos 1:02.95 White Pine County
Bonanomi, Cristian 1:06.07 White Pine County
Barlow, Wyatt 1:06.09 Moapa Valley High School
Kohntopp, Davis 1:07.81 Moapa Valley High School
Peterson, Dallas 1:09.74h Sunrise Mountain High School
Finks, Marell 51.91 Sunrise Mountain High School
Wilson, Keshun 52.24 Sunrise Mountain High School
Witter, Trevor 53.40 Moapa Valley High School
Heizelbetz, Dallin 55.88 Lincoln County High School
Sandberg, Lucas 56.06 Moapa Valley High School
Jenson, Shayden 58.00 Moapa Valley High School
Harris, Logan 58.95 Moapa Valley High School
Peterson, James 59.34h Sunrise Mountain High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.85 Moapa Valley High School
Relay Team A 46.48 Virgin Valley High School
Relay Team A 47.13 White Pine County
Relay Team A 47.35 Lincoln County High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:41.98 Virgin Valley High School
Relay Team A 1:43.30 Lincoln County High School
Relay Team A 1:58.18 White Pine County
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:44.93 Lincoln County High School
Relay Team A 3:46.32 Moapa Valley High School
Relay Team A 3:47.11 Virgin Valley High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 10:00.00 Moapa Valley High School
Relay Team A 11:26.11 White Pine County
Relay Team A 8:42.28 Moapa Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:22.87 Lincoln County High School
Relay Team A 9:28.62 Virgin Valley High School
Relay Team B 9:28.62 Virgin Valley High School
Relay Team C 9:28.62 Virgin Valley High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Isaiah Sunrise Mountain High School
Leavitt, Alex Moapa Valley High School
Mikelson, Wyland Sunrise Mountain High School
Bunker, Jaxson Moapa Valley High School
Rajala, Jedidiah White Pine County
Abbott, Keyan Virgin Valley High School
Witter, Ethan 1:59.18 Moapa Valley High School
Witter, Trevor 2:03.23 Moapa Valley High School
Shambaugh, Marcus 2:05.56 Moapa Valley High School
Watkins, Spencer 2:08.73 Lincoln County High School
Boss, Joseph 2:21.30 Moapa Valley High School
Christensen, Noah 2:22.80 Moapa Valley High School
Riedel, Anton 2:22.94 Moapa Valley High School
Harris, Logan 2:34.16 Moapa Valley High School
Jensen, Joshua 2:35.35 Moapa Valley High School
Jensen, Kalen 2:36.23 Virgin Valley High School
Jones, Dustin 2:39.05 Moapa Valley High School
Poulsen, Ayden 2:40.62 White Pine County
Generelo, Daniel 2:43.57 Lincoln County High School
Bleak, Benson 2:45.02 Lincoln County High School
Wilson, Ben 2:45.53 Virgin Valley High School
Houston, Christopher 2:46.69 Moapa Valley High School
Harding, Colton 2:47.22 Lincoln County High School
Hull, Zaden 2:47.46 Moapa Valley High School
Sandoval, Jesus 2:56.63 Virgin Valley High School
Stoker, Mitchell 3:02.62 Moapa Valley High School
Taylor, Brayden 3:13.46 Virgin Valley High School
Bush, Dakota 3:20.33 Moapa Valley High School
Aguilar, Daniel 3:32.42 Virgin Valley High School
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Boys Discus 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stewart, Logan 133-2 Moapa Valley High School
Anderson, Aidan 114-5 Lincoln County High School
Thomas, Tyler 100-1 Sunrise Mountain High School
Frederick, Gavyn 98-2 Moapa Valley High School
Gossett, Jeremy 97-3 Virgin Valley High School
Phillips, Jelani 93-3 Sunrise Mountain High School
Walker, Wesley 93-3 Virgin Valley High School
Buckner, Creed 87-7 White Pine County
Carillo, Tony 86-6 Moapa Valley High School
Hernton, Diondre 84-1 Sunrise Mountain High School
Bennett, Richard 83-7 White Pine County
Heaton, Blake 83-3 Lincoln County High School
Bellavance, Ryan 81-11 Moapa Valley High School
Weatherspoon, Wesley 71-9 White Pine County
Ruiz, Marco 68-11 Lincoln County High School
Arce, Anthony 60-9 Virgin Valley High School
izquierdo, Jose 60-8 Sunrise Mountain High School
Planck, Stuart 59-1 Virgin Valley High School
Ritz, Matthew 59-0 Virgin Valley High School
Moreno, Khaleb 41-7 Virgin Valley High School
Solorio, Mateo 35-10 Moapa Valley High School
Gossett, Kayden 23-11 Virgin Valley High School
Duran, Victor White Pine County
Porter, Ellis Moapa Valley High School
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Boys High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nicholes, Zephan 5-10 White Pine County
Nicholes, McCaul 5-10 White Pine County
Jones, Degan 5-10 Moapa Valley High School
Hammons, Tanner 5-8 Moapa Valley High School
Leavitt, Wyatt 5-8 Virgin Valley High School
Finks, Marell 5-6 Sunrise Mountain High School
Dominguez, Jacob 5-4 Moapa Valley High School
Pierce, Tyler 5-2 White Pine County
Vellinga, Dylan 5-2 Virgin Valley High School
Rose, Noah 5-0 Moapa Valley High School
Redd, Brody 4-10 Moapa Valley High School
Galarza, Allen 0-4 Virgin Valley High School
Anguiano, Anajie Sunrise Mountain High School
Gomez, Jarren Sunrise Mountain High School
Juniel, Myles Sunrise Mountain High School
Cunningham, Aushoj Sunrise Mountain High School
Jackson, Asher Virgin Valley High School
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Boys Long Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Otteson, Chase 20-7 Virgin Valley High School
Labra, Juan 20-1.5 White Pine County
Hammons, Tanner 19-10 Moapa Valley High School
Leavitt, Wyatt 19-4.5 Virgin Valley High School
Cunningham, Aushoj 19-0.5 Sunrise Mountain High School
Johnson, Kristian 18-10.5 Lincoln County High School
Pierce, Tyler 18-9.5 White Pine County
Redd, Tyson 18-8 Moapa Valley High School
Pollmann, Jackson 18-4 Skyridge
Aubry, Paul 18-3 Lincoln County High School
Piro, Christopher 17-9.5 Moapa Valley High School
Redd, Brody 17-8.75 Moapa Valley High School
Frieling, Isaiah 17-5 Virgin Valley High School
Jackson, Asher 17-4 Virgin Valley High School
Rhoades, Benjamin 17-3 White Pine County
Robinson, Austin 16-8 Moapa Valley High School
Jenson, Shayden 16-5 Moapa Valley High School
Dominguez, Jacob 15-11.5 Moapa Valley High School
Bevin, Damon 15-9.5 Moapa Valley High School
Villa, Marc 14-6.5 Moapa Valley High School
Anderson, Caleb 14-1.5 Moapa Valley High School
Richards, Isaac 14-0 Skyridge
Rose, Noah 13-10 Moapa Valley High School
Werner, Alan 13-7.75 Moapa Valley High School
Kennard, Caleb 13-1 Virgin Valley High School
Porter, Ellis 12-8 Moapa Valley High School
Walker, Levi 12-2 Moapa Valley High School
Leavitt, Alex 12-1 Moapa Valley High School
Love, Faizon Sunrise Mountain High School
Peterson, James Sunrise Mountain High School
Anguiano, Anajie Sunrise Mountain High School
Juniel, Myles Sunrise Mountain High School
Rajala, Jedidiah White Pine County
Ramirez, Marco Moapa Valley High School
Gomez, Jarren Sunrise Mountain High School
Burt, Jackson Moapa Valley High School
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Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richards, Isaac 12-0 Skyridge
Pollmann, Jackson 12-0 Skyridge
Vellinga, Dylan 10-6 Virgin Valley High School
Shambaugh, Marcus 10-0 Moapa Valley High School
Nicholes, Zephan 9-6 White Pine County
Poulsen, Ayden 9-6 White Pine County
Burt, Jackson 9-6 Moapa Valley High School
Hendricks, Gavin 9-0 Moapa Valley High School
Heaton, Blake 8-6 Lincoln County High School
Anderson, Caleb 8-6 Moapa Valley High School
Werner, Alan 8-0 Moapa Valley High School
Thornton, Ashton 7-6 Virgin Valley High School
Dalton, Kyle 7-0 Virgin Valley High School
Ofori, Ethan 7-0 Virgin Valley High School
Van Tassell, Michael White Pine County
Leavitt, Nicholas Moapa Valley High School
Rasmussen, Rex Virgin Valley High School
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Boys Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stewart, Logan 45-9.25 Moapa Valley High School
Gossett, Jeremy 42-5 Virgin Valley High School
Anderson, Aidan 42-4.75 Lincoln County High School
Frederick, Gavyn 38-11 Moapa Valley High School
Bellavance, Ryan 35-10 Moapa Valley High School
Walker, Wesley 33-6 Virgin Valley High School
Phillips, Jelani 32-1.25 Sunrise Mountain High School
Weatherspoon, Wesley 31-10.75 White Pine County
Hernton, Diondre 31-9.5 Sunrise Mountain High School
Bennett, Richard 31-1 White Pine County
Heaton, Blake 31-0 Lincoln County High School
Carillo, Tony 30-9 Moapa Valley High School
Leavitt, Gary 30-8 Moapa Valley High School
Thomas, Tyler 30-4 Sunrise Mountain High School
Arce, Anthony 29-10 Virgin Valley High School
Planck, Stuart 28-3.25 Virgin Valley High School
Ritz, Matthew 25-8 Virgin Valley High School
Ruiz, Marco 24-9 Lincoln County High School
Moreno, Khaleb 24-3 Virgin Valley High School
izquierdo, Jose 24-0 Sunrise Mountain High School
Gossett, Kayden 20-1 Virgin Valley High School
Duran, Victor 15-7 White Pine County
Solorio, Mateo 11-10 Moapa Valley High School
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Boys Triple Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Otteson, Chase 43-2.5 Virgin Valley High School
Pierce, Tyler 40-6 White Pine County
Redd, Tyson 38-7.5 Moapa Valley High School
Hammons, Tanner 38-4.5 Moapa Valley High School
Redd, Brody 38-3.75 Moapa Valley High School
Nicholes, McCaul 37-9 White Pine County
Rhoades, Benjamin 33-11 White Pine County
Bevin, Damon 33-9.75 Moapa Valley High School
Ramirez, Joaquin 33-8 Virgin Valley High School
Barnum, Dylan 29-1 Virgin Valley High School
Vellinga, Dylan Virgin Valley High School
Burt, Jackson Moapa Valley High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Izquierdo Ramirez,, Sofia White Pine County
Porter, Brooklyn Sunrise Mountain High School
Cox, Victoria Sunrise Mountain High School
Harris, Treasure Sunrise Mountain High School
Martin Villegas, Lucia White Pine County
Tejada, Jimena White Pine County
Ross, Delyla Sunrise Mountain High School
Monk, Estella Moapa Valley High School
Price, Marih Sunrise Mountain High School
Aksakova, Valeriia Lincoln County High School
Williams, Mekhia Sunrise Mountain High School
Cude, Logan 13.04h Virgin Valley High School
Johnson, Asia 13.14h Sunrise Mountain High School
Kioa, Linita 13.86 Virgin Valley High School
Wahl, Mattea 13.91 Virgin Valley High School
Isidro, Natali 13.94 Virgin Valley High School
Drosos, Ashlyn 14.26 Moapa Valley High School
Hammons, Abbie 14.51 Moapa Valley High School
Bleak, Ellie 14.56 Lincoln County High School
Shedd, Amaia 14.77 White Pine County
Villa, Vanessa 15.04 Moapa Valley High School
Zerkle, Jennica 15.07 Moapa Valley High School
Velasco, Nakole 15.22 Sunrise Mountain High School
Moncrief, Layla 15.41 Moapa Valley High School
Lopez, Laura 15.54 Lincoln County High School
Oster, Gabby 15.64 Virgin Valley High School
Yardley, Taytum 15.68 Moapa Valley High School
Rivera,, Abigail 15.80 White Pine County
Lamb, Camille 15.83 Lincoln County High School
Richardson, Kirra 15.85 White Pine County
Somers, Ella 15.91 Lincoln County High School
Rios, Gisella 15.97 Moapa Valley High School
Guzman, Celeste 16.20 Virgin Valley High School
Goodwin, Kaelani 16.26 Moapa Valley High School
Hyatt, Jayden 16.30h Virgin Valley High School
Gordon, Daisie 16.74 Moapa Valley High School
Frei, Clari 18.34 Moapa Valley High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mills, Allison 16.28 Moapa Valley High School
Bunch, Taylee 19.90 Moapa Valley High School
Williams, Mekhia 20.14h Sunrise Mountain High School
Ward, Evelyn 20.33 Moapa Valley High School
Faught, Tori 20.51 Virgin Valley High School
Leavitt, Jessica 20.66 Virgin Valley High School
Richards, Miley 21.10 Skyridge
Rasmussen, Gwen 21.47 Virgin Valley High School
Lester, Ariana 21.54 Moapa Valley High School
Nicholes, Keziah 22.70 White Pine County
Jones, Hailie 22.75 White Pine County
Cordero, Maya 22.88 Virgin Valley High School
Bowler, Emme 23.26 Moapa Valley High School
Wright, Rylee 24.62 Virgin Valley High School
Martin Villegas, Lucia 28.60 White Pine County
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leavitt, Olivia Moapa Valley High School
Mackay, Lilia Sunrise Mountain High School
Walters, Jenna 5:27.16 Virgin Valley High School
Sherwood, Brooke 6:00.84 Moapa Valley High School
Werner, Miriam 6:35.07 Moapa Valley High School
Kelly, Faith 6:47.75 Moapa Valley High School
Lee, Camryn 6:51.75 Virgin Valley High School
Nicolas, Paola 6:55.55 Virgin Valley High School
Vinson, Nafanua 7:09.98 White Pine County
Foster, Gweneth 7:10.12 Moapa Valley High School
Nelson, Afton 7:20.81 Moapa Valley High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Moncrief, Layla Moapa Valley High School
Tejada, Jimena White Pine County
Price, Marih Sunrise Mountain High School
Phillips, Loni Lincoln County High School
Porter, Brooklyn Sunrise Mountain High School
Harris, Treasure Sunrise Mountain High School
Lopez, Laura Lincoln County High School
Brock, Kevavna Sunrise Mountain High School
Rosado, Breyana Sunrise Mountain High School
Johnson, Asia 27.64h Sunrise Mountain High School
Wahl, Mattea 27.75 Virgin Valley High School
Isidro, Natali 28.81 Virgin Valley High School
Kioa, Linita 28.89 Virgin Valley High School
Ross, Delyla 29.21 Sunrise Mountain High School
Oxborrow, Rihanna 29.90 White Pine County
Drosos, Ashlyn 30.13 Moapa Valley High School
Shedd, Amaia 30.93 White Pine County
Bowler, Emme 32.22 Moapa Valley High School
Leavitt, Jessica 32.30 Virgin Valley High School
Velasco, Nakole 32.67 Sunrise Mountain High School
Richardson, Kirra 32.71 White Pine County
Monk, Estella 32.72 Moapa Valley High School
Yardley, Taytum 32.84 Moapa Valley High School
Rivera,, Abigail 33.26 White Pine County
Zerkle, Jennica 33.34h Moapa Valley High School
Rios, Gisella 34.90 Moapa Valley High School
Goodwin, Kaelani 34.92 Moapa Valley High School
Oster, Gabby 34.95 Virgin Valley High School
Guzman, Celeste 35.37 Virgin Valley High School
Hyatt, Jayden 39.10 Virgin Valley High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rasmussen, Gwen 1:00.15 Virgin Valley High School
Lester, Ariana 1:00.47 Moapa Valley High School
Lee, Camryn 1:01.07 Virgin Valley High School
Bowler, Emme 1:02.38 Moapa Valley High School
Yardley, Taytum 1:02.41 Moapa Valley High School
Cordero, Maya 1:04.66 Virgin Valley High School
Jones, Hailie 1:04.80 White Pine County
Mills, Allison 48.61 Moapa Valley High School
Bunch, Taylee 55.53 Moapa Valley High School
Tobler, Anni 55.73 Virgin Valley High School
Nicholes, Keziah 56.50 White Pine County
Cox, Victoria 57.14h Sunrise Mountain High School
Ward, Evelyn 58.32 Moapa Valley High School
Williams, Mekhia 59.47 Sunrise Mountain High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nicolas, Paola Virgin Valley High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brock, Kevavna Sunrise Mountain High School
Villa, Vanessa Moapa Valley High School
Alejos, Myia Virgin Valley High School
Leavitt, Marian Virgin Valley High School
Hammons, Abbie Moapa Valley High School
Porter, Brooklyn Sunrise Mountain High School
Fairchild, Talli 1:02.22 Moapa Valley High School
Reed, Brooklyn 1:12.14 White Pine County
May, Khloe 1:12.14 Moapa Valley High School
Price, Marih 1:12.16 Sunrise Mountain High School
Tobler, Sophie 1:13.00 Virgin Valley High School
Vinson, Nafanua 1:15.09 White Pine County
Goodwin, Kaelani 1:18.12 Moapa Valley High School
Garrett, Kacie 1:19.04 Virgin Valley High School
Jones, Hailie 1:19.22 White Pine County
Harding, Sarah 1:41.45 Moapa Valley High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 53.65 Virgin Valley High School
Relay Team A 59.11 White Pine County
Relay Team A 59.68 Lincoln County High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:54.78 Moapa Valley High School
Relay Team A 2:17.17 White Pine County
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:31.19 Moapa Valley High School
Relay Team A 4:41.62 Virgin Valley High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:49.67 Moapa Valley High School
Relay Team B 11:29.54 Virgin Valley High School
Relay Team A 11:29.54 Virgin Valley High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tupai, Elosi Sunrise Mountain High School
May, Khloe Moapa Valley High School
Mackay, Lilia Sunrise Mountain High School
Fairchild, Talli 2:32.60 Moapa Valley High School
Fairchild, Paige 2:37.36 Moapa Valley High School
Sherwood, Brooke 2:42.12 Moapa Valley High School
Rosado, Breyana 2:46.94 Sunrise Mountain High School
Werner, Miriam 2:49.38 Moapa Valley High School
Aguilar, Jasmine 2:51.47 Virgin Valley High School
Lamb, Camille 2:54.52 Lincoln County High School
Reed, Brooklyn 2:57.91 White Pine County
Vinson, Nafanua 3:02.56 White Pine County
Kelly, Faith 3:05.47 Moapa Valley High School
Ellis, Kelsey 3:09.48 Virgin Valley High School
Woods, Ava 3:13.01 Virgin Valley High School
Leavitt, Olivia 3:14.26 Moapa Valley High School
Foster, Gweneth 3:15.81 Moapa Valley High School
Nelson, Afton 3:19.76 Moapa Valley High School
Gamarro Ramos, Jennifer 3:48.07 Sunrise Mountain High School
Harding, Sarah 4:07.43 Moapa Valley High School
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Girls Discus 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carvajal, Leyah 99-5 Moapa Valley High School
Cox, Claire 90-10 Moapa Valley High School
Fiso, Audrey 87-3 Virgin Valley High School
Silveyra, Julitsa 84-8 Virgin Valley High School
Bennion, Callie 73-5 Moapa Valley High School
Oxborrow,, Miley 70-9 White Pine County
Lamb, Ella 68-10 Lincoln County High School
Tupai, Elosi 66-7 Sunrise Mountain High School
Deeds, Teiler 66-2 White Pine County
Rajala, McKenzie 64-5 White Pine County
Fisher, Ashlynn 63-9 Moapa Valley High School
Martinez, Nataly 62-9 Virgin Valley High School
Western, Haylie 62-5.5 Moapa Valley High School
Neilson, Sienna 60-8 Moapa Valley High School
Sherwood, Addison 58-5 Moapa Valley High School
Overson, Sage 57-11 Moapa Valley High School
Holland, Eliana 54-11.75 Moapa Valley High School
McDade-Davis,, Taylee Hope 49-9 White Pine County
Davis, Alaina 46-0 Lincoln County High School
Leavitt, Dianne 46-0 Moapa Valley High School
Gamarro Ramos, Jennifer 43-2 Sunrise Mountain High School
Hillstead, Alacia 42-7 Moapa Valley High School
Sommervold, Grayce 42-4 White Pine County
Aksakova, Valeriia 39-0 Lincoln County High School
Hurd, Clarie 38-7 Sunrise Mountain High School
Leavitt, Sage 33-10 Moapa Valley High School
Bell, Andrea Moapa Valley High School
Montgomery, Jax Moapa Valley High School
Werner, Janet Moapa Valley High School
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Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Asia 5-2 Sunrise Mountain High School
Williams, Mekhia 5-0 Sunrise Mountain High School
Werner, Miriam 4-8 Moapa Valley High School
Cox, Claire 4-8 Moapa Valley High School
Western, Haylie 4-8 Moapa Valley High School
Vellinga, Hailey 4-8 Virgin Valley High School
Kelly, Wynn 4-8 Virgin Valley High School
Bleak, Ellie 4-4 Lincoln County High School
Nicholes, Keziah 4-4 White Pine County
Faught, Tori 4-0 Virgin Valley High School
Jones, Hailie 3-8 White Pine County
DeLeon, Jade 3-8 White Pine County
May, Khloe 3-8 Moapa Valley High School
Izquierdo Ramirez,, Sofia White Pine County
Bunch, Taylee Moapa Valley High School
Ross, Delyla Sunrise Mountain High School
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Girls Long Jump 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richards, Miley 14-11 Skyridge
Hammons, Abbie 14-1 Moapa Valley High School
Kelly, Wynn 13-7.5 Virgin Valley High School
Bleak, Ellie 13-2 Lincoln County High School
Wolfley, Aubrey 13-1.25 Moapa Valley High School
Gordon, Daisie 13-0 Moapa Valley High School
Vellinga, Hailey 12-11 Virgin Valley High School
Houston, Emma 12-9.5 Virgin Valley High School
Vinson, Nafanua 12-4 White Pine County
Villa, Vanessa 12-0 Moapa Valley High School
Tobler, Anni 11-10.75 Virgin Valley High School
DeLeon, Jade 10-6 White Pine County
Auger, Daphnee 10-6 Moapa Valley High School
Rios, Gisella 10-4.5 Moapa Valley High School
Frei, Clari 9-7 Moapa Valley High School
Izquierdo Ramirez,, Sofia 9-4.5 White Pine County
Sommervold, Grayce 8-11.5 White Pine County
Johnson, Asia Sunrise Mountain High School
Jones, Hailie White Pine County
Zerkle, Jennica Moapa Valley High School
Moncrief, Layla Moapa Valley High School
Monk, Estella Moapa Valley High School
Harris, Treasure Sunrise Mountain High School
Porter, Brooklyn Sunrise Mountain High School
Price, Marih Sunrise Mountain High School
Ross, Delyla Sunrise Mountain High School
Leavitt, Marian Virgin Valley High School
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Girls Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richards, Miley 11-2 Skyridge
Wolfley, Aubrey 8-0 Moapa Valley High School
Vellinga, Hailey 7-6 Virgin Valley High School
Oxborrow, Rihanna 7-0 White Pine County
Auger, Daphnee 6-6 Moapa Valley High School
Tietjen, Katelee 6-6 Virgin Valley High School
Houston, Emma 6-6 Virgin Valley High School
Ellis, Kelsey 6-0 Virgin Valley High School
Shedd, Amaia 5-6 White Pine County
Frei, Clari 5-6 Moapa Valley High School
Gordon, Daisie 5-6 Moapa Valley High School
Reed, Brooklyn 5-0 White Pine County
Tejada, Jimena White Pine County
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Girls Shot Put 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fiso, Audrey 36-1 Virgin Valley High School
Western, Haylie 33-4.75 Moapa Valley High School
Carvajal, Leyah 30-6.5 Moapa Valley High School
Cox, Claire 27-9.75 Moapa Valley High School
Neilson, Sienna 27-4.25 Moapa Valley High School
Oxborrow,, Miley 25-8 White Pine County
Silveyra, Julitsa 25-6.5 Virgin Valley High School
Overson, Sage 25-5 Moapa Valley High School
Lamb, Ella 24-2.5 Lincoln County High School
Deeds, Teiler 22-11 White Pine County
Fisher, Ashlynn 22-11 Moapa Valley High School
Martinez, Nataly 22-4 Virgin Valley High School
Bennion, Callie 22-2.5 Moapa Valley High School
Werner, Janet 21-5 Moapa Valley High School
Leavitt, Dianne 21-4.5 Moapa Valley High School
McDade-Davis,, Taylee Hope 21-4 White Pine County
Sherwood, Addison 21-1 Moapa Valley High School
Rajala, McKenzie 20-9 White Pine County
Davis, Alaina 19-0.75 Lincoln County High School
Holland, Eliana 19-0 Moapa Valley High School
Sommervold, Grayce 18-9 White Pine County
Hillstead, Alacia 18-9 Moapa Valley High School
Bell, Andrea 18-0 Moapa Valley High School
Aksakova, Valeriia 17-11.5 Lincoln County High School
Leavitt, Sage 17-3 Moapa Valley High School
Hurd, Clarie 15-10 Sunrise Mountain High School
Montgomery, Jax 14-9 Moapa Valley High School
Gamarro Ramos, Jennifer Sunrise Mountain High School
Tupai, Elosi Sunrise Mountain High School
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Girls Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wahl, Mattea 29-4.5 Virgin Valley High School
Werner, Miriam 28-11 Moapa Valley High School
Western, Haylie 28-2 Moapa Valley High School
Houston, Emma 26-2 Virgin Valley High School
Tietjen, Katelee 2-2 Virgin Valley High School
Wolfley, Aubrey Moapa Valley High School
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