Coronado Weekday #2 2023

Henderson, NV

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 77 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hansen, Wes Coronado High School
Inwek, nsikan Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Jereme, Ndayizeye Valley High School
Haqq, Raheem Valley High School
Sherk, Sawyer Coronado High School
Small, Braddock Basic High School
Thomas, Isaiah Coronado High School
Beniquez, Antonio Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Sabate, Corbin Coronado High School
Frieling, Isaiah Virgin Valley High School
Nabong, Christian Coronado High School
Hyde, Nolan Coronado High School
Jackson, Connor Coronado High School
Ordinario, Jairuss Valley High School
Lopez, Rodrigo Virgin Valley High School
Wizzard, Nathaniel Coronado High School
Erickson, Talen Coronado High School
Turner, Teryone Basic High School
Maleachi, Almeric Coronado High School
Graham, Jayden Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Alexander, octavious Valley High School
Pinto, Elian Virgin Valley High School
Olsen, Calvin Boulder City High School
Kunitake, Jeremiah 11.16 Coronado High School
Akalu, Ky'relle 11.34h Boulder City High School
Pittman, Jariah 11.44h Valley High School
Strachan, Zachary 11.54h Boulder City High School
Shebeck, Parker 11.88 Coronado High School
Salour, Dante 11.92 Coronado High School
Kiwanuka, Ryan 11.93 Coronado High School
Broadbent, Joshua 11.99 Boulder City High School
Shields, Antonio 12.00 Basic High School
Moore, Marcellus 12.01 Basic High School
Gobbo, Thomas 12.03 Coronado High School
Brooks, Deion 12.05 Valley High School
Whitted, Zion 12.09 Coronado High School
Redd, Treyson 12.17 Basic High School
Toombs, Avontae 12.26 Basic High School
Messias, Jason 12.34h Valley High School
Engfer, Elijah 12.47 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Dudley, Jordan 12.49 Coronado High School
McCord, Michael 12.49 Valley High School
smith, tyson 12.52 Coronado High School
Galarza, Allen 12.58 Virgin Valley High School
Sanitoa, Anthony 12.59 Basic High School
Pusko, Lane 12.62 Boulder City High School
Valencia, Ethan 12.73 Boulder City High School
Davis, Mark 12.74h Virgin Valley High School
Scheppman, Ben 12.76 Boulder City High School
Hurley, Derek 12.77 Coronado High School
Fernandez, Jack 12.77 Coronado High School
Ramirez, Joaquin 12.81 Virgin Valley High School
Rider, Noah 12.82 Basic High School
Harris, Elijah 12.84 Valley High School
Schenk, River 12.87 Boulder City High School
Hodge, Elijah 12.94h Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Costa, Antonio 12.95 Boulder City High School
Antico, Dimitri 13.03 Boulder City High School
Abbott, Keyan 13.06 Virgin Valley High School
Miley, Dylan 13.20 Boulder City High School
Jackson, D'Artagnan 13.23 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Taracki, Rennon 13.28 Coronado High School
Kennard, Caleb 13.55 Virgin Valley High School
Peterson, Joshua 13.57 Coronado High School
Esaid, Romero 13.67 Basic High School
Kirby, Seth 13.77 Boulder City High School
Cox, Casen 13.94 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Garza, Joseph 14.00 Basic High School
Bothwell, Riley 14.03 Boulder City High School
Lewis, Nathaniel 14.29 Boulder City High School
Goodhue, Landon 14.36 Boulder City High School
Cominski, Cyril 14.37 Virgin Valley High School
Tucker, Quentin 14.54 Boulder City High School
Resendiz, Josef Xavier 15.10 Basic High School
Porter, Benjamin 15.26 Boulder City High School
Barklage, Zane 15.29 Boulder City High School
Trujillo, Reymond 16.38 Virgin Valley High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bruce Cassanova, Alessandro Coronado High School
Smith, Adrian Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Hunt, Matthew 15.97 Coronado High School
Terrill, Mason 16.36 Boulder City High School
Vellinga, Dylan 20.12 Virgin Valley High School
Cox, Casen 21.70 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Jones, Rylan 23.15 Virgin Valley High School
Mayers, Dominic 23.17 Coronado High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Armenta, Carlos Valley High School
Morrison, James Basic High School
Fadil, Farid Valley High School
Wallace, Lundin Basic High School
Taylor, Brayden Virgin Valley High School
Marak, Aaron Valley High School
Vermillion, Kaden 4:48.28 Coronado High School
Wise, Gregory 4:50.66 Coronado High School
Graham, Jackson 4:50.91 Coronado High School
Rappleye, Owen 4:57.72 Virgin Valley High School
Peveler, Brian 5:06.37 Basic High School
Santiago, Zaid 5:12.38 Coronado High School
Quinones, Daniel 5:16.04 Coronado High School
Barnum, Dylan 5:21.71 Virgin Valley High School
Means, Benjamin 5:43.27 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Jensen, Kalen 5:47.50 Virgin Valley High School
Means, Augustus 5:51.77 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Woolard, Ethan 5:51.97 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Perrico, Dominic 5:55.47 Coronado High School
Montoya, Justin 5:57.08 Valley High School
Hardy, Mason 6:16.78 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Sandoval, Jesus 6:42.11 Virgin Valley High School
Short, Ethan 8:17.00 Boulder City High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hansen, Wes Coronado High School
Nabong, Christian Coronado High School
Graham, Jayden Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Alexander, octavious Valley High School
Taracki, Rennon Coronado High School
Sabate, Corbin Coronado High School
Katris, Dean Coronado High School
Fernandez, Jack Coronado High School
Small, Braddock Basic High School
Inwek, nsikan Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Olsen, Calvin Boulder City High School
Jackson, Connor Coronado High School
Toombs, Avontae Basic High School
smith, tyson Coronado High School
Wizzard, Nathaniel Coronado High School
Thomas, Isaiah Coronado High School
Kuhn, Caleb Coronado High School
Jereme, Ndayizeye Valley High School
Maleachi, Almeric Coronado High School
Haqq, Raheem Valley High School
Hurley, Derek Coronado High School
Beniquez, Antonio Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Blackmon, Mylez Coronado High School
Turner, Teryone Basic High School
Smith, Adrian Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Pinto, Elian Virgin Valley High School
Kunitake, Jeremiah 22.50 Coronado High School
Pittman, Jariah 24.04h Valley High School
Brooks, Deion 24.17 Valley High School
Moore, Marcellus 24.27 Basic High School
Bradley, Maddox 24.57 Basic High School
Hofman, Austin 24.74 Coronado High School
Kiwanuka, Ryan 24.76 Coronado High School
Rooks, Kyndell 24.79 Valley High School
Strachan, Zachary 24.86 Boulder City High School
Broadbent, Joshua 24.89 Boulder City High School
Harris, Elijah 24.94h Valley High School
Redd, Treyson 25.02 Basic High School
Gobbo, Thomas 25.06 Coronado High School
Engfer, Elijah 25.44h Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Salour, Dante 25.55 Coronado High School
Costa, Antonio 25.96 Boulder City High School
Shields, Antonio 25.99 Basic High School
Whitted, Zion 26.25 Coronado High School
Hodge, Elijah 26.34h Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Dudley, Jordan 26.37 Coronado High School
Valencia, Ethan 26.42 Boulder City High School
Sanitoa, Anthony 26.64 Basic High School
McCord, Michael 26.64h Valley High School
Davis, Mark 26.75 Virgin Valley High School
Messias, Jason 26.77 Valley High School
Kennard, Caleb 26.93 Virgin Valley High School
Rider, Noah 26.98 Basic High School
Miley, Dylan 27.25 Boulder City High School
Seare, Ryan 27.58 Coronado High School
Schenk, River 27.83 Boulder City High School
Fowler, Teon 27.96 Basic High School
Garza, Joseph 28.59 Basic High School
Kirby, Seth 28.61 Boulder City High School
Peterson, Joshua 28.61 Coronado High School
Esaid, Romero 29.08 Basic High School
Jackson, D'Artagnan 29.18 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Bothwell, Riley 29.77 Boulder City High School
Lewis, Nathaniel 29.88 Boulder City High School
Cominski, Cyril 30.36 Virgin Valley High School
Tucker, Quentin 30.90 Boulder City High School
Goodhue, Landon 31.39 Boulder City High School
Porter, Benjamin 31.53 Boulder City High School
Barklage, Zane 31.55 Boulder City High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rooks, Kyndell Valley High School
Small, Braddock Basic High School
Galarza, Allen Virgin Valley High School
Woolard, Ethan Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Bagwell, Hunter Basic High School
Christian, Chase Basic High School
Bruce Cassanova, Alessandro Coronado High School
Mayers, Dominic 1:05.16 Coronado High School
Hunt, Matthew 45.04 Coronado High School
Ramirez, Joaquin 49.94 Virgin Valley High School
Cox, Casen 54.60 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Jones, Rylan 57.40 Virgin Valley High School
Smith, Adrian 57.41 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rappleye, Owen 10:52.44 Virgin Valley High School
Day, Trent 11:04.93 Basic High School
Greig, Isaac 11:16.59 Virgin Valley High School
Sturm, Jacob 12:09.13 Coronado High School
Perez, Joseph 13:06.49 Basic High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brooks, Deion Valley High School
Bradley, Jonah Basic High School
Jereme, Ndayizeye Valley High School
Otteson, Chase Virgin Valley High School
Hurley, Derek Coronado High School
Messias, Jason Valley High School
Monte, Gabriel Basic High School
Shebeck, Parker Coronado High School
Garza, Joseph Basic High School
Salour, Dante Coronado High School
Haqq, Raheem Valley High School
Evans, William Coronado High School
Blackmon, Mylez Coronado High School
Jones, Brayden Boulder City High School
Rooks, Kyndell Valley High School
Davis, Mark Virgin Valley High School
McCord, Michael 1:00.09 Valley High School
Hodge, Elijah 1:00.60 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Harris, Elijah 1:01.24h Valley High School
Silveyra, Ruben 1:01.53 Virgin Valley High School
Sturm, Jacob 1:01.80 Coronado High School
Grundy, Jacari 1:01.80 Valley High School
Seare, Ryan 1:02.56 Coronado High School
Wainwright, Brian 1:04.11 Boulder City High School
Goodhue, Landon 1:04.29 Boulder City High School
Cuellar-Martin, Michael 1:05.38 Valley High School
Grace-Hadad, Gavin 1:06.37 Boulder City High School
Felkins, Scott 1:07.23 Basic High School
Maravilla, Ulises 1:23.46 Valley High School
Bradley, Maddox 52.64 Basic High School
Thackeray, Jayden 52.89 Boulder City High School
Engfer, Elijah 54.31 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Wallace, Connor 55.74 Basic High School
Jorjorian, Ethan 55.89 Coronado High School
Katris, Dean 55.95 Coronado High School
Redd, Treyson 56.41 Basic High School
Whettman, Jackson 56.78 Coronado High School
love, john 58.19 Coronado High School
Perez, Joseph 59.10 Basic High School
Kuhn, Caleb 59.70 Coronado High School
Hutchinson, Tahje 59.94 Valley High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Valley High School
Relay Team A Virgin Valley High School
Relay Team A Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Relay Team B Valley High School
Relay Team A Basic High School
Relay Team A 46.13 Coronado High School
Relay Team B 46.13 Coronado High School
Relay Team A 47.60 Boulder City High School
Relay Team B 47.60 Boulder City High School
Relay Team C 47.60 Boulder City High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Basic High School
Relay Team A 1:37.00 Boulder City High School
Relay Team B 1:38.58 Coronado High School
Relay Team A 1:38.58 Coronado High School
Relay Team A 1:43.23 Virgin Valley High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Basic High School
Relay Team A 3:49.65 Boulder City High School
Relay Team A 3:49.89 Coronado High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:15.81 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Relay Team A 9:15.87 Basic High School
Relay Team A 9:21.11 Boulder City High School
Relay Team B 9:28.62 Virgin Valley High School
Relay Team A 9:28.62 Virgin Valley High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maravilla, Ulises Valley High School
Bradley, Jonah Basic High School
Woolard, Ethan Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Marak, Aaron Valley High School
Monte, Gabriel Basic High School
Armenta, Carlos Valley High School
Aguilar, Daniel Virgin Valley High School
Felkins, Scott Basic High School
Grundy, Jacari Valley High School
Vermillion, Kaden 2:09.49 Coronado High School
Higgins, William 2:09.75 Coronado High School
Wallace, Connor 2:12.36 Basic High School
Jones, Brayden 2:12.49 Boulder City High School
Wise, Gregory 2:12.70 Coronado High School
Silveyra, Ruben 2:19.14 Virgin Valley High School
Barnum, Dylan 2:25.24 Virgin Valley High School
Hughes, Gavin 2:30.84 Virgin Valley High School
Fadil, Farid 2:34.54 Valley High School
Cuellar-Martin, Michael 2:36.25 Valley High School
Grace-Hadad, Gavin 2:43.74 Boulder City High School
Wilson, Ben 2:45.53 Virgin Valley High School
Montoya, Justin 2:48.27 Valley High School
Sandoval, Jesus 2:56.63 Virgin Valley High School
Hardy, Mason 2:56.78 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Taylor, Brayden 3:14.52 Virgin Valley High School
Short, Ethan 3:27.53 Boulder City High School
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Boys Discus 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vake, Sosefa 123-11 Basic High School
Fernandez, Leo 114-4 Valley High School
Grace-Madrigal, James 113-3 Boulder City High School
Taylor, Antoine 99-10 Basic High School
Gossett, Jeremy 94-7 Virgin Valley High School
Walker, Wesley 93-3 Virgin Valley High School
Grace-Madrigal, Jacob 88-8 Boulder City High School
Littman, Isaiah 85-10 Coronado High School
Murphy, Calahan 82-11 Boulder City High School
Montgomery, Keyontai 81-10 Valley High School
Ruschak, Dylan 81-9 Boulder City High School
Cleveland, Domingo 79-0 Basic High School
Sanitoa, Anthony 72-4 Basic High School
White, Jake 72-1 Basic High School
Tietjen, Hance 71-8 Boulder City High School
Mack, Austin 71-3 Basic High School
Barnes, Timothy 65-9 Boulder City High School
Cops, Lou 65-1 Boulder City High School
Keplinger, Isaiah 60-8 Basic High School
Morris, Sterling 59-7 Boulder City High School
Carrillo, Anthony 59-4 Basic High School
Planck, Stuart 55-2 Virgin Valley High School
Ritz, Matthew 53-10 Virgin Valley High School
Hyde, Nolan 51-1 Coronado High School
Young, Samuel 49-8 Basic High School
Arce, Anthony 4-8 Virgin Valley High School
Gossett, Kayden 1-9 Virgin Valley High School
Moreno, Khaleb Virgin Valley High School
Antico, Dimitri Boulder City High School
Erickson, Talen Coronado High School
Felix Marquez, Evizael Basic High School
Moore, Marvin Basic High School
Sivhl, James Basic High School
Andersen, Jamal Basic High School
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Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Terrill, Mason 5-6 Boulder City High School
Valencia, Ethan 5-0 Boulder City High School
Antico, Dimitri 5-0 Boulder City High School
Vellinga, Dylan 4-6 Virgin Valley High School
Kennard, Caleb Virgin Valley High School
Frieling, Isaiah Virgin Valley High School
Jackson, Asher Virgin Valley High School
Lopez, Rodrigo Virgin Valley High School
Pinto, Elian Virgin Valley High School
Leavitt, Wyatt Virgin Valley High School
Maleachi, Almeric Coronado High School
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Boys Long Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Terrill, Mason 19-9 Boulder City High School
Hofman, Austin 19-6.75 Coronado High School
Kunitake, Jeremiah 19-3.5 Coronado High School
Gobbo, Thomas 18-11.5 Coronado High School
Scheppman, Ben 18-5.5 Boulder City High School
Redd, Treyson 18-0 Basic High School
Wainwright, Brian 16-9 Boulder City High School
Dudley, Jordan 15-6.75 Coronado High School
Jackson, D'Artagnan 15-5.5 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Small, Braddock 15-5.5 Basic High School
Garza, Joseph 15-0 Basic High School
Abbott, Keyan 14-8 Virgin Valley High School
Costa, Antonio 14-6 Boulder City High School
Grace-Madrigal, James 14-0 Boulder City High School
Rider, Noah 13-10.5 Basic High School
Bothwell, Riley 12-10 Boulder City High School
Resendiz, Josef Xavier 11-2 Basic High School
Inwek, nsikan Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Toombs, Avontae Basic High School
Turner, Teryone Basic High School
Fowler, Teon Basic High School
Higgins, William Coronado High School
Bagwell, Hunter Basic High School
Frieling, Isaiah Virgin Valley High School
Leavitt, Wyatt Virgin Valley High School
Lopez, Rodrigo Virgin Valley High School
Otteson, Chase Virgin Valley High School
Jackson, Asher Virgin Valley High School
Morris, Sterling Boulder City High School
Maleachi, Almeric Coronado High School
Sabate, Corbin Coronado High School
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Boys Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Erickson, Talen 11-6.25 Coronado High School
Brahma, Kade 11-0 Coronado High School
Vellinga, Dylan 10-6 Virgin Valley High School
Evans, William 10-0 Coronado High School
Stevenson, Parker 9-6 Coronado High School
Erickson, Caden 9-1 Coronado High School
Higgins, Nick 7-0 Coronado High School
Ofori, Ethan 7-0 Virgin Valley High School
Thornton, Ashton 6-6 Virgin Valley High School
Dalton, Kyle 6-6 Virgin Valley High School
Kennedy, Frank 5-0 Coronado High School
Rasmussen, Rex Virgin Valley High School
Olsen, Calvin Boulder City High School
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Boys Shot Put 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gossett, Jeremy 41-1 Virgin Valley High School
Vake, Sosefa 40-8.75 Basic High School
Taylor, Antoine 40-0.5 Basic High School
Cleveland, Domingo 39-7 Basic High School
Barnes, Timothy 38-11 Boulder City High School
Sanitoa, Anthony 38-7 Basic High School
Keplinger, Isaiah 38-6.5 Basic High School
Fernandez, Leo 35-6 Valley High School
Grace-Madrigal, James 35-0 Boulder City High School
Petty, Jake 34-9.5 Coronado High School
Walker, Wesley 33-6 Virgin Valley High School
White, Jake 31-10.5 Basic High School
Murphy, Calahan 30-10.25 Boulder City High School
Grace-Madrigal, Jacob 30-7 Boulder City High School
Ruschak, Dylan 30-3 Boulder City High School
Littman, Isaiah 29-8 Coronado High School
Carrillo, Anthony 29-2.5 Basic High School
Morris, Sterling 29-0 Boulder City High School
Planck, Stuart 28-3.25 Virgin Valley High School
Hyde, Nolan 27-9.25 Coronado High School
Tietjen, Hance 26-11.75 Boulder City High School
Young, Samuel 25-11.75 Basic High School
Ritz, Matthew 25-5.5 Virgin Valley High School
Cops, Lou 24-7 Boulder City High School
Montgomery, Keyontai 23-11 Valley High School
Mack, Austin 22-3 Basic High School
Arce, Anthony 2-4 Virgin Valley High School
Moreno, Khaleb 1-10 Virgin Valley High School
Gossett, Kayden 1-8 Virgin Valley High School
Sherk, Sawyer Coronado High School
Felix Marquez, Evizael Basic High School
Moore, Marvin Basic High School
Sivhl, James Basic High School
Andersen, Jamal Basic High School
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Boys Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pusko, Lane 36-5.25 Boulder City High School
Scheppman, Ben 35-6.75 Boulder City High School
Goodhue, Landon 35-3 Boulder City High School
Resendiz, Josef Xavier 28-7 Basic High School
Ramirez, Joaquin Virgin Valley High School
Barnum, Dylan Virgin Valley High School
Galarza, Allen Virgin Valley High School
Jackson, Asher Virgin Valley High School
Otteson, Chase Virgin Valley High School
Leavitt, Wyatt Virgin Valley High School
Wainwright, Brian Boulder City High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 83 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sakowski, , Kailey Coronado High School
Young, Bryelle Boulder City High School
Yadao, Vaite'a Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Shin, Leyana Coronado High School
Smith, Azana Basic High School
Mills, Olivia Coronado High School
Obradovich, Jenna Coronado High School
Thompson, Savannah Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Shepard, , Mackenzie Coronado High School
Winston, Khloe Basic High School
Gilmore, Kemya Valley High School
Torgesen, Mariah Boulder City High School
Hone, Ella Coronado High School
Porras, Makayla Coronado High School
Morgan, Harmony Coronado High School
Small, Leylah Coronado High School
Linton-Rivera, Samia Coronado High School
Spielberg, Marley Basic High School
Winston, Samaria Basic High School
Williams, Leonesse Boulder City High School
Hyatt, Jayden Virgin Valley High School
Soltero, Alexis Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Blosfield, Rylea Boulder City High School
Atim, Abigail Basic High School
MacDonald, Makayla Coronado High School
Brooks, Riley 12.88 Coronado High School
joncich, Maci 13.11 Coronado High School
Sawyer, Kennedy 13.22 Coronado High School
Miranda, Eli 13.33 Basic High School
Redden, Ciyanna 13.53 Basic High School
Jenas-Keogh, Sancha 13.66 Boulder City High School
Morrison, Sydney 13.67 Coronado High School
Chappell, Jaidn 13.84 Coronado High School
Kioa, Linita 13.86 Virgin Valley High School
Higgins, Kathryn 13.89 Coronado High School
Mesa, Verissa 13.90 Basic High School
Isidro, Natali 13.94 Virgin Valley High School
Elwood, Emma 14.03 Coronado High School
Middleton, Kayli 14.03 Coronado High School
Drayton, Makena 14.06 Coronado High School
Payne, Noelle 14.07 Boulder City High School
Marich, Malia 14.12 Coronado High School
Wahl, Mattea 14.13 Virgin Valley High School
Beasley, Emani 14.19 Coronado High School
Guitierrez Suarez, Janela 14.24 Valley High School
Elliott, , Kayla 14.41 Coronado High School
Washington, Lamaya 14.45 Valley High School
Woolard, Amelia 14.49 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Sanford, Avery 14.67 Coronado High School
Griffin, Kamarah 14.80 Valley High School
Hardy, Hazel 14.91 Boulder City High School
Shepard, Kaydence 14.94 Basic High School
Leavitt, Delaney 14.99 Boulder City High School
Booker, Cerrina 15.04h Boulder City High School
Clark, Kianah 15.05 Coronado High School
Moore, Makayla 15.11 Basic High School
Thornhill, Kyra 15.11 Coronado High School
Sanchez, Peonie 15.11 Basic High School
Richardson, Jaylin 15.26 Basic High School
Lewis, Makayla 15.29 Valley High School
Skorzov, Presley 15.31 Coronado High School
Taplin, Holland 15.34 Coronado High School
Phipps, Jaelyn 15.37 Basic High School
Zituni, Sapir 15.44 Coronado High School
Oster, Gabby 15.64 Virgin Valley High School
Skousen, Xochitl 15.75 Boulder City High School
Delsi, Sienna 15.75 Coronado High School
Hammond, Abigail 15.77 Basic High School
Flake, Penelope 15.80 Coronado High School
Cybulski, Lucy 16.06 Boulder City High School
Cecil, Decatur 16.14 Basic High School
Harrison, Jewel 16.28 Basic High School
Guzman, Celeste 16.40 Virgin Valley High School
Norris, Bryn 16.61 Coronado High School
Blomeyer, Karma 16.89 Coronado High School
Ruffo, Mariluz 16.95 Basic High School
Olvera, Alex 16.95 Basic High School
Suguitan, Faith 17.13 Basic High School
Bunting, Audrey 17.22 Boulder City High School
Gomez, Petra 17.59 Boulder City High School
Moore, Mia 17.72 Basic High School
Lyons, Camila 18.56 Boulder City High School
Edwards, Alyvia 19.31 Boulder City High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rasmussen, Gwen Virgin Valley High School
MacDonald, Makayla Coronado High School
Soltero, Alexis Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Wright, Rylee Virgin Valley High School
Yarbro, Lauren 15.87 Coronado High School
Butler,, Ariana 18.23 Coronado High School
Wickens, Hailey 19.25 Coronado High School
Leavitt, Jessica 20.66 Virgin Valley High School
Faught, Tori 20.90 Virgin Valley High School
Jacobson, Ella 21.09 Coronado High School
Hedrick, Kalie 21.12 Boulder City High School
Mattea, Summer 21.68 Boulder City High School
Clark, Kianah 22.14 Coronado High School
Olsen, Meg 22.25 Boulder City High School
Litjens, Sydney 22.38 Boulder City High School
Ejhed, Ellen 22.83 Basic High School
Cordero, Maya 22.88 Virgin Valley High School
Flake, Penelope 23.03 Coronado High School
Christiansen, Lucille 24.59 Boulder City High School
Moro, Martina 25.65 Basic High School
Norris, Bryn 26.66 Coronado High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Michel, Caitlin Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Norris, Malea Coronado High School
Hernandez Vazq, Jennifer Valley High School
Sanders, Janae Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Toki, Amara Valley High School
Magadia, Alexa Pinecrest Academy Cadence
brown, abbaygayle Valley High School
Lee, Vera 5:48.25 Coronado High School
Nelson, Makayla 5:53.30 Boulder City High School
Guerra-Zacarias, Natalie 6:30.64 Valley High School
Evans, Ivy 6:30.88 Coronado High School
Palmer, Ellie 6:32.10 Boulder City High School
Bhakta, Hridi 6:49.46 Coronado High School
Shamo, Kendall 7:05.53 Boulder City High School
Carranza Ba, Emmely 7:05.91 Valley High School
Stuart, Lily 7:30.59 Boulder City High School
Rodgers, Laneice 8:08.21 Valley High School
Merino, Nataly 8:14.31 Valley High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 88 entries

Athlete Seed Team
dudley, Jiselle Coronado High School
Francis, Abigail Boulder City High School
Sanford, Avery Coronado High School
Gomez, Petra Boulder City High School
Domingo, Sophia Coronado High School
Williams, Leonesse Boulder City High School
Febbo, Jilliana Coronado High School
Winston, Khloe Basic High School
Blosfield, Rylea Boulder City High School
Linton-Rivera, Samia Coronado High School
Yadao, Vaite'a Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Gilmore, Kemya Valley High School
Ortiz, Natalia Coronado High School
Bunting, Audrey Boulder City High School
Stanton, Addison Coronado High School
Winston, Samaria Basic High School
Mills, Olivia Coronado High School
Atim, Abigail Basic High School
Giamanco, Natalee Boulder City High School
Zituni, Sapir Coronado High School
Tingle, Kaileigh Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Velasquez, Genesis Basic High School
Lim, Chloe Coronado High School
Morgan, Harmony Coronado High School
Smith, Azana Basic High School
Brooks, Riley 26.98 Coronado High School
Gadzuric, Ahtziri 27.15 Coronado High School
joncich, Maci 27.16 Coronado High School
Miranda, Eli 27.26 Basic High School
Redden, Ciyanna 27.48 Basic High School
Higgins, Kathryn 27.74 Coronado High School
Butler,, Ariana 27.81 Coronado High School
Bringhurst, Rowan 28.06 Coronado High School
Chappell, Jaidn 28.31 Coronado High School
Spielberg, Marley 28.52 Basic High School
Isidro, Natali 28.81 Virgin Valley High School
Jenas-Keogh, Sancha 28.99 Boulder City High School
Guitierrez Suarez, Janela 29.12 Valley High School
Morrison, Sydney 29.14 Coronado High School
Mesa, Verissa 29.17 Basic High School
Beasley, Emani 29.20 Coronado High School
Sawyer, Kennedy 29.23 Coronado High School
Marich, Malia 29.24 Coronado High School
Elwood, Emma 29.38 Coronado High School
Drayton, Makena 29.50 Coronado High School
Middleton, Kayli 29.57 Coronado High School
Wahl, Mattea 29.83 Virgin Valley High School
Carmichael, Julia 29.88 Boulder City High School
Olson, Emily 29.90 Boulder City High School
Shin, Leyana 30.00 Coronado High School
Kioa, Linita 30.15 Virgin Valley High School
Adams, MariJayne 30.29 Basic High School
Woolard, Amelia 30.47 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Elliott, , Kayla 30.59 Coronado High School
Christian, Aspen 31.10 Boulder City High School
Lewis, Makayla 31.40 Valley High School
Sanchez, Peonie 31.40 Basic High School
Clark, Kianah 31.60 Coronado High School
Booker, Cerrina 31.66 Boulder City High School
Bothwell, Paige 31.94h Boulder City High School
Washington, Lamaya 32.14 Valley High School
Trygstad, Tracy 32.14h Boulder City High School
Leavitt, Jessica 32.30 Virgin Valley High School
Hardy, Hazel 32.31 Boulder City High School
Skorzov, Presley 32.38 Coronado High School
Taplin, Holland 32.44 Coronado High School
Sangprasit, Chloe 32.45 Coronado High School
Richardson, Jaylin 32.85 Basic High School
Aldrich-Manteris, Isabella 32.94h Boulder City High School
Skousen, Xochitl 33.07 Boulder City High School
Minoth, Emmely 33.25 Valley High School
Harrison, Jewel 33.44 Basic High School
Griffin, Kamarah 33.48 Valley High School
Cybulski, Lucy 33.72 Boulder City High School
Hammond, Abigail 33.81 Basic High School
Michel, Caitlin 34.00 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Delsi, Sienna 34.35 Coronado High School
Cecil, Decatur 34.70 Basic High School
Ruffo, Mariluz 34.93 Basic High School
Guzman, Celeste 35.38 Virgin Valley High School
Thompson, Savannah 35.41 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Blomeyer, Karma 36.55 Coronado High School
Guerra-Zacarias, Natalie 36.94 Valley High School
Oster, Gabby 37.92 Virgin Valley High School
Suguitan, Faith 38.25 Basic High School
Hyatt, Jayden 39.10 Virgin Valley High School
Lyons, Camila 41.66 Boulder City High School
Edwards, Alyvia 42.92 Boulder City High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ejhed, Ellen Basic High School
Wright, Rylee Virgin Valley High School
Moro, Martina Basic High School
Litjens, Sydney Boulder City High School
Flake, Penelope Coronado High School
Jacobson, Ella Coronado High School
Rasmussen, Gwen Virgin Valley High School
Cordero, Maya 1:04.66 Virgin Valley High School
Yarbro, Lauren 48.00 Coronado High School
Butler,, Ariana 50.46 Coronado High School
Bringhurst, Rowan 51.55 Coronado High School
Wickens, Hailey 52.04 Coronado High School
Howser, Mia 52.47 Coronado High School
Porter, Annalie 53.62 Boulder City High School
Trygstad, Tracy 55.97 Boulder City High School
Hedrick, Kalie 57.12 Boulder City High School
Olsen, Meg 59.36 Boulder City High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guerra-Zacarias, Natalie Valley High School
McKinney, Athena Coronado High School
Shamo, Kendall Boulder City High School
Murry, Meredith 13:51.08 Coronado High School
Palmer, Ellie 14:15.63 Boulder City High School
Ports, Kennedy 14:21.25 Basic High School
Stuart, Lily 17:17.73 Boulder City High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ortiz, Natalia Coronado High School
Winston, Khloe Basic High School
Arabo, Adriana Coronado High School
Cerny, Amber Coronado High School
Winston, Samaria Basic High School
Corral Damian, Kimberly Valley High School
Domingo, Sophia Coronado High School
Cecil, Decatur Basic High School
remigio, Michelle Coronado High School
Morrison, Sydney Coronado High School
Yadao, Vaite'a Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Atim, Abigail Basic High School
Torgesen, Mariah Boulder City High School
Sakowski, Lauren Coronado High School
Schuth, Liliana 1:02.70 Coronado High School
Bringhurst, Rowan 1:03.91 Coronado High School
Sanders, Janae 1:04.64 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Gadzuric, Ahtziri 1:05.02 Coronado High School
dudley, Jiselle 1:05.83 Coronado High School
Aguilar, Jasmine 1:06.58 Virgin Valley High School
Velasquez, Genesis 1:06.83 Basic High School
Jacobson, Ella 1:07.78 Coronado High School
Howser, Mia 1:07.79 Coronado High School
Woolard, Amelia 1:09.27 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Ports, Kennedy 1:10.27 Basic High School
Sanchez, Peonie 1:12.81 Basic High School
Porras, Makayla 1:13.33 Coronado High School
Phipps, Jaelyn 1:13.81 Basic High School
Sangprasit, Chloe 1:15.94 Coronado High School
Michel, Caitlin 1:16.23 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Shepard, Kaydence 1:16.98 Basic High School
Francis, Abigail 1:19.74 Boulder City High School
Minoth, Emmely 1:22.54 Valley High School
Tingle, Kaileigh 1:23.24 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Utley, Kylie 1:23.29 Coronado High School
Repetti, Ryan 1:24.38 Coronado High School
Dominguez, Alexa 1:25.00 Basic High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Valley High School
Relay Team A Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Relay Team A Basic High School
Relay Team A Valley High School
Relay Team A 52.30 Coronado High School
Relay Team B 52.30 Coronado High School
Relay Team A 55.14 Virgin Valley High School
Relay Team A 55.35 Boulder City High School
Relay Team B 55.35 Boulder City High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Basic High School
Relay Team B 1:49.03 Coronado High School
Relay Team A 1:49.03 Coronado High School
Relay Team A 2:05.00 Boulder City High School
Relay Team B 2:05.00 Boulder City High School
Relay Team C 2:05.00 Boulder City High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Basic High School
Relay Team A 4:42.39 Coronado High School
Relay Team A 5:00.00 Boulder City High School
Relay Team B 5:00.00 Boulder City High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:29.54 Virgin Valley High School
Relay Team A 11:32.00 Boulder City High School
Relay Team A 11:54.70 Coronado High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garrett, Kacie Virgin Valley High School
Vanier, Elise Boulder City High School
Hernandez Vazq, Jennifer Valley High School
Williams, Leonesse Boulder City High School
Jevtic, Mia Coronado High School
Alejos, Myia Virgin Valley High School
brown, abbaygayle Valley High School
Young, Bryelle Boulder City High School
Wirthlin, Elizabeth Boulder City High School
Porter, Annalie Boulder City High School
Magadia, Alexa Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Hone, Ella 2:29.80 Coronado High School
Nelson, Makayla 2:32.36 Boulder City High School
Vuckovic, Sloane 2:39.21 Coronado High School
Sanders, Janae 2:43.39 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Brown, Anna 2:44.69 Coronado High School
Norris, Malea 2:45.31 Coronado High School
Lourenco, Layla 2:53.40 Boulder City High School
Murry, Meredith 2:55.43 Coronado High School
Aguilar, Jasmine 3:01.39 Virgin Valley High School
Utley, Taylor 3:01.70 Coronado High School
Dominguez, Alexa 3:06.82 Basic High School
Carranza Ba, Emmely 3:14.27 Valley High School
Shamo, Kendall 3:19.64 Boulder City High School
Swank, Ryleigh 3:30.57 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Merino, Nataly 3:39.56 Valley High School
Rodgers, Laneice 3:40.95 Valley High School
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Girls Discus 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Daniel, Kaylee 87-9 Coronado High School
Silveyra, Julitsa 84-8 Virgin Valley High School
Paepule, Avei 80-8.25 Basic High School
Fiso, Audrey 77-10 Virgin Valley High School
Brown, Anna 74-5 Coronado High School
Vake, Ella 73-2 Basic High School
Leota, Tenille 71-2 Basic High School
Paepule, Talyah 69-3 Basic High School
Trobiani, McKennzye 63-5 Boulder City High School
Trobiani, Kaitlyn 62-5 Boulder City High School
Taylor, Kennedy 59-1 Basic High School
Martinez, Nataly 58-3 Virgin Valley High School
Poe, Lindsey 52-0 Boulder City High School
Ruth, Indy 51-3 Boulder City High School
Ferch, Haley 49-1 Boulder City High School
Townsend, Rebecca 43-9 Basic High School
Bunker, Brooklyn 32-11 Boulder City High School
Kelly, Ely 27-10.75 Boulder City High School
Richardson, Jayla Basic High School
Salima, Jai Basic High School
Mills, Olivia Coronado High School
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Girls High Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Daniel, Kaylee 5-0 Coronado High School
Vellinga, Hailey 4-8 Virgin Valley High School
Romo, Corrine 4-4 Coronado High School
Christian, Aspen 4-4 Boulder City High School
Litjens, Sydney 4-2 Boulder City High School
Faught, Tori 4-0 Virgin Valley High School
Shepard, Kaydence Basic High School
Moro, Martina Basic High School
Ejhed, Ellen Basic High School
Richardson, Jaylin Basic High School
Small, Leylah Coronado High School
Marich, Malia Coronado High School
Bringhurst, Rowan Coronado High School
Higgins, Kathryn Coronado High School
Christiansen, Lucille Boulder City High School
Olsen, Meg Boulder City High School
Mattea, Summer Boulder City High School
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Girls Long Jump 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spielberg, Marley 15-7 Basic High School
Shepard, , Mackenzie 14-9 Coronado High School
Olson, Emily 14-8.5 Boulder City High School
joncich, Maci 13-6 Coronado High School
Christian, Aspen 13-5 Boulder City High School
Olsen, Meg 12-6 Boulder City High School
Christiansen, Lucille 12-2 Boulder City High School
Leavitt, Delaney 12-1 Boulder City High School
Hardy, Hazel 12-1 Boulder City High School
Aldrich-Manteris, Isabella 11-9.5 Boulder City High School
Adams, MariJayne 11-9 Basic High School
Young, Bryelle 11-6 Boulder City High School
Redden, Ciyanna 11-4.25 Basic High School
Torgesen, Mariah 11-4 Boulder City High School
Moore, Makayla 10-6.5 Basic High School
Edwards, Alyvia 10-2 Boulder City High School
Bunting, Audrey 10-2 Boulder City High School
Hammond, Abigail 9-6 Basic High School
Giamanco, Natalee 9-6 Boulder City High School
Richardson, Jaylin 8-11 Basic High School
Suguitan, Faith 8-6.5 Basic High School
Ejhed, Ellen Basic High School
Moro, Martina Basic High School
Phipps, Jaelyn Basic High School
Smith, Azana Basic High School
Winston, Khloe Basic High School
Winston, Samaria Basic High School
Small, Leylah Coronado High School
Linton-Rivera, Samia Coronado High School
Atim, Abigail Basic High School
Cecil, Decatur Basic High School
Harrison, Jewel Basic High School
Ellis, Kelsey Virgin Valley High School
Gadzuric, Ahtziri Coronado High School
Bothwell, Paige Boulder City High School
Mattea, Summer Boulder City High School
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Girls Pole Vault 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Daniel, Kaylee 12-0 Coronado High School
Thornhill, Kyra 10-6 Coronado High School
Miranda, Eli 8-9 Basic High School
Barnes, Bryn 8-6 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Lim, Chloe 8-0 Coronado High School
Utley, Kylie 7-6 Coronado High School
Repetti, Ryan 7-6 Coronado High School
Vellinga, Hailey 7-6 Virgin Valley High School
Sakowski, , Kailey 7-0 Coronado High School
Leavitt, Delaney 7-0 Boulder City High School
Utley, Taylor 6-0 Coronado High School
Febbo, Jilliana 6-0 Coronado High School
Ellis, Kelsey 6-0 Virgin Valley High School
Obradovich, Jenna 5-6 Coronado High School
Sakowski, Lauren 5-0 Coronado High School
Wright, Rylee 0-5 Virgin Valley High School
Olvera, Alex Basic High School
remigio, Michelle Coronado High School
Taplin, Holland Coronado High School
Skousen, Xochitl Boulder City High School
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Girls Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Trobiani, Kaitlyn 37-8.75 Boulder City High School
Fiso, Audrey 35-1.75 Virgin Valley High School
Paepule, Talyah 33-8 Basic High School
Ferch, Haley 33-5.5 Boulder City High School
Paepule, Avei 33-3.75 Basic High School
Leota, Tenille 31-10 Basic High School
Trobiani, McKennzye 24-7.25 Boulder City High School
Silveyra, Julitsa 24-6.75 Virgin Valley High School
Vake, Ella 23-10 Basic High School
Bunker, Brooklyn 23-5 Boulder City High School
Poe, Lindsey 23-1 Boulder City High School
Brown, Anna 23-0 Coronado High School
Taylor, Kennedy 22-8 Basic High School
Martinez, Nataly 22-4 Virgin Valley High School
Townsend, Rebecca 19-9 Basic High School
Kelly, Ely 17-2 Boulder City High School
Tingle, Kaileigh 14-8 Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Swank, Ryleigh Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Soltero, Alexis Pinecrest Academy Cadence
Richardson, Jayla Basic High School
Moore, Mia Basic High School
Salima, Jai Basic High School
Mills, Olivia Coronado High School
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Girls Triple Jump 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shepard, , Mackenzie 30-11.5 Coronado High School
Carmichael, Julia 28-7.5 Boulder City High School
Payne, Noelle 28-0 Boulder City High School
Wahl, Mattea Virgin Valley High School
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