SNTCCCA Coaches Association Invitational (Formerly Last Chance) 2023

Henderson, NV

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harden, Ryan Coronado High School
Kendrick, Ronnie 10.91 Liberty High School
Caldwell, Peyton 10.98 Liberty High School
Armani, Brody 11.01 Liberty High School
Moody, Jimmie 11.14 Palo Verde High School
Shebeck, Parker 11.25 Coronado High School
Weston, Samuel 11.25 Palo Verde High School
Asafo-Adjei, Gabriel 11.32 Palo Verde High School
Whittington, Lawson 11.43 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Covington, Kaeden 11.49 Coronado High School
Brooks, Deion 11.49 Valley High School
Veal, Dylon 11.53 Palo Verde High School
Shropshire, Isiah 11.61 Liberty High School
James, Vogel 11.61 Faith Lutheran High School
Carter, Max 11.66 Silverado High School
Garavuso, Nicholas 11.67 Faith Lutheran High School
Toombs, Avontae 11.70 Basic High School
Ebonka, Prince 11.72 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Moore, Marcellus 11.73 Basic High School
Miller, Taeahveon 11.82 Silverado High School
Whittington, Logan 11.83 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Walter, Rylan 11.83 Faith Lutheran High School
Crisostomo, Kaina 11.86 Silverado High School
Rider, Noah 11.86 Basic High School
Henry, Jordan 11.88 Silverado High School
Whitted, Zion 11.88 Coronado High School
Gobbo, Thomas 11.94 Coronado High School
Steigerwald, Peyton 11.96 Faith Lutheran High School
Redd, Treyson 11.99 Basic High School
Jones, Leonard 12.00 Silverado High School
Thorp, Gavin 12.02 Legacy High School
Carmona, Fabian 12.08 Legacy High School
Odahlen, Huxley 12.12 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Marshall, Derric 12.12 Legacy High School
Jones, Lavonta 12.18 Western High School
Lim, Nathan 12.27 Legacy High School
Davis, Jeramiah 12.32 Clark High School
McGirt, Micah 12.32 Legacy High School
Magallanes, Lexus 12.35 Western High School
Rooks, Kyndell 12.37 Valley High School
Reed, Jack 12.47 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
McCord, Michael 12.49 Valley High School
Viloria, Eddie 12.54 Western High School
Freeman, Charles 12.67 Western High School
Manning, Kalvin 12.82 Western High School
Esaid, Romero 13.07 Basic High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Elliott, Jevonne Sierra Vista High School
Jereme, Ndayizeye Valley High School
Bell, Landon 15.20 Liberty High School
Jones, Omari 15.50 Palo Verde High School
Craig, Sean 16.22 Liberty High School
Egwu, Chidera 16.53 Palo Verde High School
White, Torrance 17.19 Palo Verde High School
Christian, Chase 18.06 Basic High School
Davis, Joshua 19.11 Basic High School
Mollette, Clabon 19.29 Legacy High School
Ford, Terrance 19.37 Legacy High School
Gerlach, Douglas 19.46 Legacy High School
Edwards, Eyan 19.52 Palo Verde High School
Shultz, Ethan 19.74 Coronado High School
Johnson, Quincy 19.84 Western High School
Thorp, Gavin 20.08 Legacy High School
Barlow, Brock 20.08 Foothill High School
Liggins, Tayreon 20.16 Sierra Vista High School
Bridgewater, Caden 20.37 Legacy High School
Kaufman, Irin 20.52 Western High School
Murcia, Josue 20.55 Western High School
Johnson, Brandon 20.96 Western High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Koch, Aryn Coronado High School
Dagge, Kenan 4:26.87 Desert Oasis High School
Miller, Aidan 4:42.99 Desert Oasis High School
Tsao, Dominic 4:51.60 Desert Oasis High School
Jackson, Jayden 4:53.00h Desert Oasis High School
Longoria, Kayleb 4:55.45 Liberty High School
Martinez, Jaiden 4:57.62 Liberty High School
Rowe, Payson 4:59.04 Desert Oasis High School
Trussel, Madison 5:03.43 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Sanchez, Diego 5:09.19 Liberty High School
Birdsong, Sacha 5:15.01 Clark High School
Harding, Devin 5:15.86 Faith Lutheran High School
Parry, Logan 5:17.34 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Montoya, Justin 5:19.35 Valley High School
Solomon, Benjamin 5:25.44 Clark High School
Williams, Sunny 5:26.98 Legacy High School
Miller, Drew 5:32.54 Liberty High School
Perrico, Dominic 5:36.73 Coronado High School
Teglia, Connor 5:42.75 Sierra Vista High School
Jereme, Ndayizeye 5:55.80 Valley High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Taeahveon Silverado High School
Tucker, Nasir 21.46 Palo Verde High School
Kendrick, Ronnie 22.17 Liberty High School
Caldwell, Peyton 22.42 Liberty High School
Whittington, Lawson 22.74 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Covington, Kaeden 22.79 Coronado High School
Shropshire, Isiah 23.18 Liberty High School
Weston, Samuel 23.20 Palo Verde High School
Veal, Dylon 23.22 Palo Verde High School
Samuda, Damien 23.24 Liberty High School
Torres, Jose 23.31 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Shebeck, Parker 23.46 Coronado High School
Christian, Chase 23.48 Basic High School
Council, Marcus 23.57 Silverado High School
Steigerwald, Peyton 23.64h Faith Lutheran High School
Taduran, Kean 23.69 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Whittington, Logan 23.81 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Carter, Max 23.86 Silverado High School
Hagans, D'Angelo 23.87 Silverado High School
James, Vogel 23.95 Faith Lutheran High School
Pringle, Henry 24.02 Palo Verde High School
Walter, Rylan 24.19 Faith Lutheran High School
Helms, Dumorier 24.21 Basic High School
Crisostomo, Kaina 24.22 Silverado High School
Samuel, McMoore 24.34 Faith Lutheran High School
Ragonese, Cade 24.37 Liberty High School
Davis, Jeramiah 24.52 Clark High School
Khan, Sufyaan 24.52 Clark High School
Richardson, Travale 24.53 Legacy High School
Rider, Noah 24.58 Basic High School
Marshall, Derric 24.69 Legacy High School
Gobbo, Thomas 24.75 Coronado High School
Rooks, Kyndell 24.79 Valley High School
Jorjorian, Ethan 24.91 Coronado High School
Hernandez, Johan 24.97 Western High School
Magallanes, Lexus 24.99 Western High School
Thorp, Gavin 25.05 Legacy High School
Viloria, Eddie 25.17 Western High School
Thompson, Alejandro 25.19 Legacy High School
Jereme, Ndayizeye 25.24h Valley High School
Jones, Lavonta 25.36 Western High School
Manning, Kalvin 25.98 Western High School
Acol, Christian 26.24 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
McCord, Michael 26.34 Valley High School
Esaid, Romero 26.58 Basic High School
Kimura, Hunter 29.03 Coronado High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Liggins, Tayreon Sierra Vista High School
Tippets, Jaden Basic High School
Armani, Brody Liberty High School
Jones, Omari 42.86 Palo Verde High School
Egwu, Chidera 43.09 Palo Verde High School
Walter, Rylan 44.50 Faith Lutheran High School
Carter, Max 45.04 Silverado High School
White, Torrance 45.19 Palo Verde High School
Shultz, Ethan 46.76 Coronado High School
Small, Braddock 46.96 Basic High School
Davis, Joshua 47.06 Basic High School
Johnson, Brandon 47.93 Western High School
Kaufman, Irin 47.99 Western High School
Craig, Sean 48.09 Liberty High School
Edwards, Eyan 48.40 Palo Verde High School
Odum, Avion 48.43 Legacy High School
Coleman, Tradyn 49.43 Legacy High School
Murcia, Josue 49.49 Western High School
Johnson, Quincy 49.68 Western High School
Corzine, Dorian 51.11 Legacy High School
Bridgewater, Caden 52.21 Legacy High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Koch, Aryn Coronado High School
Highsmith, Noah Silverado High School
Longoria, Kayleb 10:41.08 Liberty High School
Bennion, William 10:52.19 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Trussel, Madison 11:01.36 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Garrido, Giovanni 11:02.96 Silverado High School
Sanchez, Diego 11:40.32 Liberty High School
Fadil, Farid 11:45.31 Valley High School
Miller, Drew 11:47.71 Liberty High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Christian, Chase Basic High School
Helms, Dumorier Basic High School
Solomon, Benjamin Clark High School
Manning, Kalvin 1:00.20 Western High School
Odahlen, Huxley 1:00.24h Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Taracki, Rennon 1:00.78 Coronado High School
Whitted, Zion 1:01.40 Coronado High School
Flores, Kevin 1:02.66 Western High School
Kendrick, Ronnie 47.54 Liberty High School
Tucker, Nasir 48.47 Palo Verde High School
Torres, Jose 51.37 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Gardner, Thomas 51.76 Palo Verde High School
Weston, Joseph 51.77 Palo Verde High School
Taggart, Dylan 52.67 Liberty High School
Ashley-Solis, Joshua 52.77 Liberty High School
Fall, Antoine 52.96 Silverado High School
Ebonka, Prince 53.75 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Elliott, Jevonne 53.89 Sierra Vista High School
Carter, Ashton 54.23 Liberty High School
Samuel, McMoore 54.33 Faith Lutheran High School
Scott-Paca, Zoren 54.65 Palo Verde High School
Taduran, Kean 54.92 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Sanchez, Yahir 55.64 Western High School
Wohl, Lucas 55.87 Silverado High School
Lim, Nathan 56.13 Legacy High School
Rooks, Kyndell 56.40 Valley High School
Smith, Connor 56.59 Silverado High School
Mundo, Josiah 56.93 Legacy High School
Richardson, Travale 57.15 Legacy High School
Carmona, Fabian 57.84 Legacy High School
Smith, Aiden 57.92 Silverado High School
Seare, Ryan 58.40 Coronado High School
Corzine, Dorian 59.15 Legacy High School
Kuhn, Caleb 59.38 Coronado High School
Wysinger, Larell 59.67 Western High School
Hutchinson, Tahje 59.94 Valley High School
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Boys 4X100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.18 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 43.38 Palo Verde High School
Relay Team A 43.89 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Relay Team A 46.70 Valley High School
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Boys 4X200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:29.40 Palo Verde High School
Relay Team A 1:33.30 Silverado High School
Relay Team A 1:42.47 Valley High School
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Boys 4X400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:29.96 Clark High School
Relay Team A 3:30.19 Palo Verde High School
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Boys 4X800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:35.25 Basic High School
Relay Team A 8:35.65 Clark High School
Relay Team A 8:37.28 Desert Oasis High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Flores, Kevin Western High School
Sanchez, Yahir Western High School
Wysinger, Larell Western High School
Taggart, Dylan 2:03.17 Liberty High School
Wise, Gregory 2:05.68 Coronado High School
Martinez, Kevin 2:06.69 Clark High School
Longoria, Kayleb 2:08.18 Liberty High School
Futrell, Jacob 2:08.52 Clark High School
Martinez, Jaiden 2:10.02 Liberty High School
Beikman, Preston 2:11.41 Faith Lutheran High School
Hutchings, Bradley 2:11.88 Liberty High School
Riley, Galvin 2:13.81 Faith Lutheran High School
Logan, Yeager 2:15.15 Faith Lutheran High School
Perez, Joseph 2:18.57 Basic High School
Carter, Ashton 2:18.74 Liberty High School
Aumentado, Kevin 2:20.97 Sierra Vista High School
Gerlach, Douglas 2:22.61 Legacy High School
Williams, Sunny 2:24.17 Legacy High School
Fadil, Farid 2:24.83 Valley High School
Montoya, Justin 2:27.30 Valley High School
Smith, Aiden 2:27.70 Silverado High School
Klemaske, Lucas 2:28.01 Desert Oasis High School
Wu, Kevin 2:31.07 Clark High School
Ortega, Carlos 2:33.57 Legacy High School
Gutierrez, Shyeloh 2:34.71 Legacy High School
George, Linkin 2:37.07 Legacy High School
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Boys Discus 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beery, Preston 169-1 Faith Lutheran High School
McCarrell, Clayton 143-9 Faith Lutheran High School
Beasley, Jae 142-0.5 Liberty High School
Chapman, Jacob 140-8 Palo Verde High School
Soto, Adrian 119-7 Clark High School
Gora, Tiafau 114-9 Liberty High School
Mendez, Noah 113-3 Silverado High School
Reynaga, Sebastian 112-7 Clark High School
Keaton, Martino 102-2 Faith Lutheran High School
Sarukhanyan, Tony 101-2 Palo Verde High School
Harris, Abraham 99-5 Faith Lutheran High School
Smith Jr., Michael 98-9 Clark High School
Seastrong, Aaron 98-4 Clark High School
Brown, Donovan 98-2 Sierra Vista High School
Robinson, Damani 97-6 Clark High School
Cardriche-Watson, James 94-5 Legacy High School
Montgomery, Keyontai 93-7 Valley High School
Jones, Ryan 92-2 Faith Lutheran High School
Gusmerotti, Isaaco 91-11 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Candler, Dominic 91-5 Legacy High School
Skonezky, Cohen 91-5 Sierra Vista High School
West, Zackary 90-11 Legacy High School
Casillas, Marcelo 89-0 Liberty High School
Lee, Rogers 88-4 Sierra Vista High School
Allen, Theodore 83-8 Western High School
Sherk, Sawyer 81-0 Coronado High School
Smith, Malik 78-3 Legacy High School
Speed, Damien 77-8 Western High School
Thorp, Kason 76-10 Legacy High School
Roman, Adrian 71-6 Western High School
Rodriguez, Justin 70-6 Western High School
Hyde, Nolan 51-1 Coronado High School
Axibal, Victoriano Western High School
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Boys High Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carmicheal, Christian 6-0 Liberty High School
Washington, Tristan 5-8 Palo Verde High School
Burdiss, Kamerion 5-8 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Smith, Kevin 5-8 Liberty High School
Nordstrom, Tyson 5-6 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Whitmore, Russell 5-6 Faith Lutheran High School
Smith, Matthew 5-4 Faith Lutheran High School
Chavez, Brandon 5-2 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Helms, Dumorier 5-2 Basic High School
Corzine, Dorian 5-2 Legacy High School
Dylan, Morgan 5-0 Faith Lutheran High School
Gerlach, Douglas 5-0 Legacy High School
Young, Darryl 4-10 Legacy High School
Min, Bian 4-8 Sierra Vista High School
Noel, Enzo 4-4 Sierra Vista High School
Samuda, Damien Liberty High School
Jordan, Isiah Liberty High School
Jorjorian, Ethan Coronado High School
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Boys Long Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Samuda, Damien 20-10 Liberty High School
Nordstrom, Tyson 20-9 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Shropshire, Isiah 20-0.5 Liberty High School
Scroggins, Da'vonne 19-9.5 Liberty High School
Moore, Marcellus 19-8.75 Basic High School
Smith, Kevin 19-1 Liberty High School
Gobbo, Thomas 18-11.5 Coronado High School
Burdiss, Kamerion 18-11 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
McElvaine, Kyran 18-5.5 Legacy High School
Pringle, Henry 18-5 Palo Verde High School
Bridgewater, Caden 18-3.5 Legacy High School
Smith, Matthew 18-3 Faith Lutheran High School
Chavez, Brandon 18-2 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Redd, Treyson 18-0 Basic High School
Garavuso, Nicholas 17-9 Faith Lutheran High School
Moon, Jared 17-9 Silverado High School
White, Torrance 17-8 Palo Verde High School
Carrington-Pauley, Tobias 17-7.75 Legacy High School
Marshall, Derric 17-6 Legacy High School
Gerlach, Douglas 17-5 Legacy High School
Viloria, Eddie 17-4.5 Western High School
Gash, Isaiah 17-4 Sierra Vista High School
Rider, Noah 17-1 Basic High School
Whitmore, Russell 16-10 Faith Lutheran High School
Hernandez, Caiden 16-10 Silverado High School
Manning, Kalvin 16-8.25 Western High School
Hernandez, Johan 16-8 Western High School
Miller, Taeahveon 16-6.75 Silverado High School
Dylan, Morgan 16-1.5 Faith Lutheran High School
Freeman, Charles 15-10.5 Western High School
Lawson, Kamron 15-6.5 Sierra Vista High School
Wysinger, Larell 15-6 Western High School
Patricio, James Bryan 15-4 Sierra Vista High School
Toombs, Avontae 13-2 Basic High School
Carmicheal, Christian Liberty High School
Harris, Caden Silverado High School
Hagans, D'Angelo Silverado High School
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Boys Pole Vault 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
James, Vogel 15-2 Faith Lutheran High School
Alrick, Thomas 13-8 Liberty High School
Steiner, Johnathan 13-2 Liberty High School
Garcia, Fernando 11-6 Liberty High School
Nottingham, Demitrius 11-0 Palo Verde High School
Brahma, Kade 11-0 Coronado High School
Morris, Tyson 10-0 Faith Lutheran High School
Midtgaard, Ari 10-0 Faith Lutheran High School
DiMaio, Brady 9-6 Liberty High School
Stevenson, Parker 9-6 Coronado High School
Davis, Joshua 8-6 Basic High School
George, Linkin 8-6 Legacy High School
Gallardo, Jaymer 8-6 Desert Oasis High School
Stevenson, Alec 8-6 Liberty High School
Labayog, Raydenn 8-0 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Tippets, Jaden Basic High School
Morrison, James Basic High School
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Boys Shot Put 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Beery, Preston 60-4.5 Faith Lutheran High School
McCarrell, Clayton 51-11.5 Faith Lutheran High School
Chapman, Jacob 43-5 Palo Verde High School
Seastrong, Aaron 43-0.5 Clark High School
Smith Jr., Michael 41-5 Clark High School
Soto, Adrian 40-6 Clark High School
Ostler, Joshua 38-10 Palo Verde High School
Allen, Theodore 38-5 Western High School
Jones, Ryan 38-1.5 Faith Lutheran High School
Beasley, Jae 38-0.75 Liberty High School
Robinson, Damani 37-11 Clark High School
Harris, Abraham 37-10.5 Faith Lutheran High School
Sherk, Sawyer 37-10 Coronado High School
Gora, Tiafau 37-8 Liberty High School
Brown, Kadin 37-5 Clark High School
Brown, Donovan 36-10 Sierra Vista High School
Jolly, Jacob 36-3 Faith Lutheran High School
Speed, Damien 36-0 Western High School
Hildreth, David 35-10 Legacy High School
Fernandez, Leo 35-6 Valley High School
Gusmerotti, Isaaco 34-1 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Casillas, Marcelo 32-9.5 Liberty High School
Skonezky, Cohen 32-8 Sierra Vista High School
Hyde, Nolan 32-7 Coronado High School
Packard III, Nicky 31-11 Legacy High School
Marshall, Derric 31-8.75 Legacy High School
Lee, Rogers 31-4 Sierra Vista High School
Sarukhanyan, Tony 30-11.5 Palo Verde High School
Candler, Dominic 30-10 Legacy High School
Smith, Malik 30-4 Legacy High School
Rodriguez, Justin 27-2 Western High School
Roman, Adrian 26-4 Western High School
Axibal, Victoriano Western High School
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Boys Triple Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chavez, Brandon 43-2.5 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Ashley-Solis, Joshua 43-1.25 Liberty High School
Samuda, Damien 39-9 Liberty High School
Burdiss, Kamerion 39-6 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Kan, Rylan 39-5 Liberty High School
Nordstrom, Tyson 38-9.5 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Edwards, Eyan 38-1.75 Palo Verde High School
Hernandez, Caiden 37-7.5 Silverado High School
Smith, Matthew 37-6 Faith Lutheran High School
Moon, Jared 37-2 Silverado High School
Richardson, Travale 35-1.5 Legacy High School
Davis, Joshua 34-2 Basic High School
Dylan, Morgan 33-8.5 Faith Lutheran High School
Rider, Noah 29-10 Basic High School
Miller, Taeahveon Silverado High School
Scroggins, Da'vonne Liberty High School
Shropshire, Isiah Liberty High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tamanaha, Kaya Slam Academy
Lightford, Jayden 12.04 Faith Lutheran High School
Hill, Zakiya 12.14 Faith Lutheran High School
Jackson, Jordan 12.27 Faith Lutheran High School
Davis, Taylor 12.47 Liberty High School
Benjamins, Kennedy 12.68 Faith Lutheran High School
Brooks, Riley 12.70 Coronado High School
dudley, Jiselle 13.05 Coronado High School
Webb, Imani 13.08 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Gardineer, Lauren 13.08 Palo Verde High School
Redden, Ciyanna 13.08 Basic High School
Coleman, Aniya 13.21 Western High School
Adams, MariJayne 13.35 Basic High School
Flemington, Gwen 13.44 Faith Lutheran High School
Mesa, Verissa 13.53 Basic High School
Monroe, Bailey 13.58 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Jones, Ashley 13.61 Palo Verde High School
Drayton, Makena 13.68 Coronado High School
Del Giudice, Isabella 13.70 Palo Verde High School
Guitierrez Suarez, Janela 13.74h Valley High School
Gilmore, Kemya 13.74h Valley High School
Velasquez, Genesis 13.83 Basic High School
Akpamgbo, Iruka 13.88 Desert Oasis High School
Scott, Tamia 14.16 Western High School
Hall, Jaylah 14.27 Legacy High School
Swonger, Tavara 14.28 Slam Academy
Elliott, , Kayla 14.41 Coronado High School
Godspower, Ogechi 14.51 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Sanchez, Peonie 14.53 Basic High School
Monroe, Cydney 14.81 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Flanagan, Ka'Saantee 14.91 Western High School
Taplin, Holland 14.99 Coronado High School
Washington, Erinuna 15.90 Legacy High School
Bercasio, Loerweez 15.90 Western High School
Johnson, Chanel 16.07 Western High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopes, Sofia 14.94 Liberty High School
Matavao, Ali'a 15.49 Liberty High School
Robinson, Kennedy 15.54 Liberty High School
Yarbro, Lauren 15.55 Coronado High School
Ahlander, Berklie 16.08 Palo Verde High School
Butler,, Ariana 17.94 Coronado High School
Johnston, Teagan 18.93 Palo Verde High School
Tibbitts, Hallie 19.10 Palo Verde High School
Mead, Jayda 19.14 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Wickens, Hailey 19.25 Coronado High School
Podobna, Sofia 19.25 Western High School
Gibson, Hannah 19.40 Faith Lutheran High School
Montes, Eva 19.57 Desert Oasis High School
Chipman, Taylor 20.17 Palo Verde High School
Speed, Jaliyah 20.25 Western High School
Mathes, Lucy 20.55 Faith Lutheran High School
Rabon, JayAnna 20.62 Legacy High School
Dao, Victoria 20.95 Western High School
Cole, Diamond 21.44 Western High School
Zituni, Sapir 21.90 Coronado High School
Mia, Ballantyne 22.08 Faith Lutheran High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sangprasit, Alana 5:33.50 Coronado High School
Legat, Sophia 5:34.39 Faith Lutheran High School
Maisano, Sienna 5:40.62 Liberty High School
Thompson, Khennadei 6:16.75 Desert Oasis High School
Ports, Kennedy 6:17.54 Basic High School
Gladden, Kandice 6:21.70 Clark High School
Evans, Ivy 6:28.45 Coronado High School
Ibarra, Ashley 6:32.43 Legacy High School
Dominguez, Alexa 6:34.19 Basic High School
Kaelyn, Cheney 6:41.97 Faith Lutheran High School
Won Nkwethat, Shim 6:52.56 Clark High School
Pavlik, Aurora 6:56.29 Legacy High School
Lutostanski, Ryann 7:06.28 Liberty High School
Bragonje, Claire 7:36.29 Liberty High School
Minoth, Emmely 8:24.81 Valley High School
Baldonado, Kairah 8:32.34 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill, Zakiya 24.56 Faith Lutheran High School
Jackson, Jordan 24.87 Faith Lutheran High School
Lightford, Jayden 25.05 Faith Lutheran High School
Davis, Taylor 26.93 Liberty High School
Coleman, Aniya 27.08 Western High School
Gadzuric, Ahtziri 27.15 Coronado High School
Benjamins, Kennedy 27.21 Faith Lutheran High School
Miranda, Eli 27.26 Basic High School
Redden, Ciyanna 27.41 Basic High School
Velasquez, Genesis 27.63 Basic High School
Mesa, Verissa 27.83 Basic High School
dudley, Jiselle 27.89 Coronado High School
Webb, Imani 27.93 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Gardineer, Lauren 27.99 Palo Verde High School
Monroe, Bailey 28.36 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Jones, Ashley 28.70 Palo Verde High School
Flemington, Gwen 28.72 Faith Lutheran High School
Halili, Aliyah 29.04 Silverado High School
Guitierrez Suarez, Janela 29.04h Valley High School
Akpamgbo, Iruka 29.06 Desert Oasis High School
Amerson, Ana 29.44 Legacy High School
Drayton, Makena 29.50 Coronado High School
Bonoan, Alahna 29.54 Liberty High School
Del Giudice, Isabella 29.56 Palo Verde High School
Hunt, Addison 29.81 Coronado High School
Dao, Victoria 29.91 Western High School
Thomas, Timia 29.95 Silverado High School
Cole, Diamond 30.22 Western High School
Swonger, Tavara 30.63 Slam Academy
Fulton, Nadia 30.72 Legacy High School
Hart, Deshaya 31.47 Legacy High School
Godspower, Ogechi 31.61 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Hall, Jaylah 31.72 Legacy High School
Monroe, Cydney 32.08 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Flanagan, Ka'Saantee 32.34 Western High School
Taplin, Holland 32.44 Coronado High School
Reeder, Genesis 32.64 Clark High School
Gill, Mya 33.33 Legacy High School
Johnson, Chanel 34.24 Western High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hart, Deshaya 1:00.06 Legacy High School
Mathes, Lucy 1:01.95 Faith Lutheran High School
Zituni, Sapir 1:09.13 Coronado High School
Robinson, Kennedy 44.68 Liberty High School
Lopes, Sofia 44.83 Liberty High School
Yarbro, Lauren 48.00 Coronado High School
Ahlander, Berklie 48.14 Palo Verde High School
Wickens, Hailey 52.04 Coronado High School
Howser, Mia 52.45 Coronado High School
Johnston, Teagan 52.86 Palo Verde High School
Gibson, Hannah 54.46 Faith Lutheran High School
Podobna, Sofia 54.72 Western High School
Tibbitts, Hallie 54.73 Palo Verde High School
Chipman, Taylor 55.03 Palo Verde High School
Cole, Ajanae 55.68 Desert Oasis High School
Mead, Jayda 56.03 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Dao, Victoria 56.24 Western High School
Rabon, JayAnna 56.26 Legacy High School
Thomas, Aniyah 56.99 Legacy High School
Mia, Ballantyne 57.01 Faith Lutheran High School
Skorzov, Presley 57.41 Coronado High School
Speed, Jaliyah 57.73 Western High School
Cole, Diamond 57.77 Western High School
Reeder, Genesis 58.55 Clark High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Makenzie, Maier Faith Lutheran High School
Lee, Vera 12:18.53 Coronado High School
Maisano, Sienna 12:35.33 Liberty High School
Dominguez, Alexa 13:57.09 Basic High School
Pavlik, Aurora 15:45.51 Legacy High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gill, Mya Legacy High School
Mitchell, Makayla Liberty High School
Norris, Bryn Coronado High School
Jefferson, Shania Sierra Vista High School
Higgins, Kathryn 1:00.36 Coronado High School
Coleman, Aniya 1:01.80 Western High School
Gardineer, Lauren 1:02.15 Palo Verde High School
Butler,, Ariana 1:03.77 Coronado High School
Legat, Sophia 1:05.00 Faith Lutheran High School
Scott, Tamia 1:05.26 Western High School
Thomas, Timia 1:05.87 Silverado High School
Guitierrez Suarez, Janela 1:05.88 Valley High School
Halili, Aliyah 1:06.52 Silverado High School
Velasquez, Genesis 1:06.83 Basic High School
Flemington, Gwen 1:07.64 Faith Lutheran High School
Hollifield, Lauryn 1:08.37 Faith Lutheran High School
Ernest, Savannah 1:09.05 Sierra Vista High School
Rabon, JayAnna 1:09.10 Legacy High School
Gonzalez, Camila 1:09.61 Western High School
Garcia, Esmeralda 1:10.28 Western High School
Nehls, Regan 1:10.72 Palo Verde High School
Guzman, Mayte 1:17.88 Western High School
Utley, Kylie 1:20.27 Coronado High School
Elliott,, Catherine 1:27.78 Coronado High School
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Girls 4X100 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.42 Faith Lutheran High School
Relay Team A 50.22 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 50.87 Coronado High School
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Girls 4X200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:43.95 Liberty High School
Relay Team A 1:44.92 Coronado High School
Relay Team A 1:57.02 Basic High School
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Girls 4X400 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:52.41 Liberty High School
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:04.83 Liberty High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ruiz, Galilea Western High School
Guzman, Mayte Western High School
Gonzalez, Camila Western High School
Staggs, Jordyn 2:32.10 Faith Lutheran High School
Libatique, Mya 2:32.77 Desert Oasis High School
Maisano, Sienna 2:34.05 Liberty High School
Viscardo, Autumn 2:34.61 Coronado High School
Legat, Sophia 2:36.29 Faith Lutheran High School
Norris, Malea 2:40.90 Coronado High School
Jevtic, Mia 2:41.51 Coronado High School
Ports, Kennedy 2:44.69 Basic High School
Musemici, Mia 2:45.00 Desert Oasis High School
Sigala, Lizette 2:52.63 Legacy High School
Pavlik, Christina 2:52.92 Legacy High School
Rabon, JayAnna 2:53.35 Legacy High School
Won Nkwethat, Shim 2:56.75 Clark High School
Aparicio-Aboytes, Rubi 2:58.39 Legacy High School
Ibarra, Ashley 2:59.01 Legacy High School
Brooke, Beikman 2:59.67 Faith Lutheran High School
Utley, Taylor 3:00.05 Coronado High School
Minoth, Emmely 3:33.00 Valley High School
Baldonado, Kairah 3:48.33 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
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Girls Discus 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kwok, Emma 133-6 Faith Lutheran High School
Gordon, Chayanne 124-8 Liberty High School
Clark, Sophia 113-8 Liberty High School
Puletasi, Adrienne 104-4 Liberty High School
Grupe, McKenna 93-5 Faith Lutheran High School
Parker, Jaina 91-1 Liberty High School
Mead, Jazzlyn 88-2 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Sytko, Aliza 85-10.5 Clark High School
Richardson, Jayla 72-6 Basic High School
Gourdet, Alyssa 71-0 Legacy High School
Eyob, Nardos 70-10 Clark High School
Jolly, Brooke 69-11 Faith Lutheran High School
Mignea, Ardin 69-2 Faith Lutheran High School
Ngo, Lauren 68-4 Legacy High School
Butler,, Ariana 67-9 Coronado High School
Cuff, Alyson 67-5.5 Western High School
Kayleigh, Downing 66-2 Faith Lutheran High School
Boxley, Azariah 64-9 Western High School
Smith, Jamaiah 64-3 Clark High School
Richardson, Diamond 61-11 Legacy High School
De La Torre, Emily 48-5 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Escobar, Jannel 47-1.5 Western High School
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Girls High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopes, Sofia 5-2 Liberty High School
Matavao, Ali'a 5-2 Liberty High School
Hunt, Addison 5-0 Coronado High School
Garrison, Jade 4-8 Coronado High School
Chipman, Taylor 4-6 Palo Verde High School
Franklin, Destiny 4-4 Liberty High School
Gibson, Hannah 4-4 Faith Lutheran High School
Mead, Jazzlyn 4-4 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Richardson, Jaylin 4-4 Basic High School
Velasco, Kaelani 4-0 Sierra Vista High School
Murray, Madelynn Faith Lutheran High School
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Girls Long Jump 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matavao, Ali'a 18-1.25 Liberty High School
Christensen, Roxy 17-10.5 Silverado High School
Middleton, Kayli 17-0 Coronado High School
Lopes, Jayden 16-10 Liberty High School
Hunt, Addison 16-9 Coronado High School
Gadzuric, Ahtziri 16-0 Coronado High School
Brooke, Metriyakool 15-5 Faith Lutheran High School
Ahlander, Berklie 15-3 Palo Verde High School
Ware, Jariah 15-1 Faith Lutheran High School
Staggs, Jordyn 14-2 Faith Lutheran High School
Adams, MariJayne 14-1.75 Basic High School
Myers, Emily 13-11.5 Silverado High School
Phipps, Jaelyn 13-9 Basic High School
King-Divems, Da'Arielle 13-7.5 Silverado High School
Cisneros, Faith 13-4.5 Palo Verde High School
Garcia, Esmeralda 12-8.5 Western High School
Godspower, Ogechi 11-8 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Richardson, Diamond 11-5 Legacy High School
Ruiz, Galilea 11-3.5 Western High School
Guzman, Mayte 11-2.75 Western High School
Johnson, Chanel 10-9.5 Western High School
Richardson, Jaylin 10-4 Basic High School
Ernest, Savannah Sierra Vista High School
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Girls Pole Vault 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Benjamins, Kennedy 11-4 Faith Lutheran High School
Thornhill, Kyra 11-0 Coronado High School
Franklin, Destinee 9-6 Liberty High School
Tusko, Hailey 9-6 Faith Lutheran High School
Seed, Samantha 9-0 Liberty High School
Miranda, Eli 8-9 Basic High School
Mitchell, Makayla 8-0 Liberty High School
Repetti, Ryan 8-0 Coronado High School
Johnston, Teagan 7-6 Liberty High School
Parel, Zoya 7-6 Desert Oasis High School
Stofsky, Fay 7-6 Centennial High
Arndt, Emma 7-2 Faith Lutheran High School
Burgess, Hana 7-2 Desert Oasis High School
Ashlynn, Tsuneta 7-0 Faith Lutheran High School
Quinto, Kailey 7-0 Palo Verde High School
Johnston, Teagan 7-0 Palo Verde High School
Pedote, Megan 7-0 Liberty High School
Vanessa, Gjabel 7-0 Faith Lutheran High School
Zarvian, Zoe 7-0 Desert Oasis High School
Merritt, Hope 6-6 Desert Oasis High School
Tyra, Sage 6-6 Centennial High
Febbo, Jilliana 6-6 Coronado High School
Obradovich, Jenna 6-0 Coronado High School
Olvera, Alex Basic High School
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Girls Shot Put 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Matavao, Ali'a 43-8.75 Liberty High School
Gordon, Chayanne 39-2.25 Liberty High School
Puletasi, Adrienne 37-11 Liberty High School
Kwok, Emma 34-7.5 Faith Lutheran High School
Mead, Jazzlyn 34-0 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Sytko, Aliza 32-8.75 Clark High School
Clark, Sophia 30-8 Liberty High School
Jolly, Brooke 29-8 Faith Lutheran High School
Richardson, Jayla 29-5 Basic High School
Smith, Jamaiah 28-6 Clark High School
Grupe, McKenna 28-2 Faith Lutheran High School
Eyob, Nardos 27-3.25 Clark High School
Sewell, Christiyani 25-10 Sierra Vista High School
Dafinone, Mellifluous 24-3 Legacy High School
Kayleigh, Downing 23-7.5 Faith Lutheran High School
Richardson, Diamond 22-5 Legacy High School
Mignea, Ardin 22-2.5 Faith Lutheran High School
Hall, Jaylah 21-9.5 Legacy High School
Escobar, Jannel 20-8.5 Western High School
De La Torre, Emily 20-5 Somerset Academy Sky Pointe
Ngo, Lauren 20-0 Legacy High School
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Girls Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Middleton, Kayli 37-5 Coronado High School
Christensen, Roxy 36-9 Silverado High School
Ahlander, Berklie 34-6.5 Palo Verde High School
King-Divems, Da'Arielle 29-3 Silverado High School
Myers, Emily 27-0.75 Silverado High School
Sewell, Christiyani Sierra Vista High School
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